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In the first part of this book, I hope to do something that is not only arrogant but also damned difficult. I hope to change the way you look at technology. First, I want you to stop seeing it as a collection of tools or gadgets and instead see it as an evolutionary flow around human problems, whose parts ultimately integrate to become a new category of thing.

To help you see it this way, we’ll start by looking at the rich example of the thermostat and how it evolved from the past to the present. Then I’ll show you that this example isn’t some special, isolated case. Rather, once you know to look for it, you can tell that it’s just on the verge of happening pretty much everywhere else. Then we’ll move our focus from the present into the speculative future to see how this new category of technology will change the world.

We’ll finish Part I by looking at lines of thought that have in the past intersected with this concept. In Part II, “Doing,” we’ll start to make use of this new approach to design smarter products. But for now, let’s jump in and talk about dinosaurs.

Designing Agentive Technology

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