Читать книгу Educational Explanations - Christopher Winch - Страница 15
Оглавление1 1 The total education and development research spend funded directly or indirectly by the government in the third quarter of, 2018 was £2.029 billion. By contrast in Q1 of 1997 it was £590 million. Source: DfE (2019) https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/timeseries/efx4/cxnv .
2 2 We presuppose it in the sense that we act as if there is, without in any way articulating that belief (Wittgenstein 1969).
3 3 Wittgenstein (1953) IIxi, p. 225, for example.
4 4 Education as a preparation for life is offered as a primary characterisation of the significance of the concept in human life. It is not a definition and is certainly not meant to exclude such phenomena as higher, further and adult education.
5 5 See Peters (1981) for a similar view. Peters modified his views on education considerably at the end of his career. In my view, this late approach was a potentially most fruitful one which was, unfortunately, not developed.
6 6 Societal values do usually also contain an empirical element as well, for example, beliefs in the abilities and moral standing of different elements of the society.
7 7 Which is to say that curricula, whether formal or informal, have normative force.
8 8 The term ‘worthwhile’ is used because alternatives like ‘flourishing’ may not capture what is aimed for in education, which cannot be assumed to be a flourishing adulthood, whatever that may mean. ‘Worthwhile’ implies a form of living worth striving for for an individual or group, crucially even if that individual or group may not recognize its worthwhileness for them. It may or may not encompass a notion of flourishing and here again, what counts as flourishing for X may not, from X’s perspective count as flourishing for Y, even if it may count as such for Y.
9 9 A related debate concerns whether or not careers guidance should properly be counted as a form of education. See Winch P. (2015) for more on this.
10 10 Relativism does not, per se, entail the equal validity of all perspectives. For more on this see Wreen (2018).
11 11 See for example the discussion of different conceptions of know-how in Chapter 10 .
12 12 As Mulder points out, this could not happen without the efficient cause, or some of its elements, having appropriate structural properties.