Читать книгу The Anxiety Getaway - Craig April Ph.D - Страница 10


A Caution and Word of Encouragement to All Reading This Book

See your anxiety symptom reduction through to the end. You must do this if you want the relief and freedom you deserve. As you learn the techniques in this book and begin to apply them, you’ll make progress. Reject anxious suffering as your lot in life and keep pushing forward. No one needs to live with anxiety symptoms. You deserve much more! Why accept suffering that is unnecessary? Life offers enough challenges that are fully out of our control. Don’t give up the fight. This is a fight you can absolutely win.

Clichés for transcending fear and taking the necessary steps abound. You’ve heard many, such as “Journey of a thousand miles…,” “No risk, no reward,” “Every bit of forward movement is progress,” “Just keep moving the ball down the field,” and more. That’s because they’re all true. So just take the steps… Commit to the journey… Keep putting one foot in front of the other… And be brave. You’ll discover you’re stronger than you ever knew as you walk the path of becoming a fear-facing warrior.

The Anxiety Getaway

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