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By Brian Tracy

You are about to get into a business championship fight. In this book, you will be knocked around, and many of your most cherished ideas will get punched and stomped on. Like a roller coaster, your stomach will drop and you might have trouble breathing. But don’t worry, you’ll arrive safely at the other end.

In my years as a consultant and business speaker, I’ve written 28 books, translated into 20 languages, and produced more than 300 audio and video learning programs. I have a good understanding of the importance and value of good business ideas.

My friend Dan Kennedy is unique, a genius in many ways. I have always admired his ability to see the vital truths in any business, and to state these realities with straight language and clear definitions.

Dan has written a timeless book, with ideas, insights, and methods you can use immediately to get better, faster business results.

His approach is direct. His ideas are controversial. His ability to get results for his clients is unchallenged. When you read, learn, and apply what you discover in the pages ahead, your business life, and your income, will change forever.

Put up your mental tray tables. Put on your conceptual seatbelts. You are entering an area of considerable turbulence. But you will come out of this experience a better businessperson than you ever have been. You will arrive at your destination of business success and profitability faster than you ever thought possible.

Good luck, and bon voyage!

—Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy is one of America’s most sought after and popular professional speakers, author of dozens of business books, and a visionary thinker about business trends, opportunities, and strategies. www.briantracy.com.

No B.S. Business Success In The New Economy

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