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Other Notes from the Author

1. For those of you who are gender or political correctness sensitive, an explanation to head off letters: I have used “he,” “him,” etc. throughout the book rather than awkwardly saying “he or she,” “him or her.” I do not mean this as a slight to women, only as a convenience. I’m not getting paid by the word.

2. In many instances, I’ve been able to use the names of actual companies and individuals, the details of actual case histories and examples throughout the book. In a few cases, individuals’ names have been withheld on request.

3. The first edition of this book was published in 1993 by another publisher, Self-Counsel Press. A revised and updated edition was published in 1995. The next edition, published by Entrepreneur Press in 2004, preserved approximately half of the original text with only statistics or time-altered information revised, but also has about 50% brand new material. Now this FOR THE NEW ECONOMY edition has preserved all that was evergreen but again revised or added about 50% new material.

No B.S. Business Success In The New Economy

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