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Managed Services


Managed services are Google Cloud Platform services that do not require users to perform common configuration and maintenance operations. For example, Cloud SQL is a managed relational database service providing MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL databases. Database administration tasks, such as backing up data and patching operating systems, are performed by Google and not by customers using the service. Managed services are good options in the following cases:

 Users do not need low-level control over the resources providing the service, such as choosing the operating system to run in a VM.

 Managed services provide a functionality that would be difficult or expensive to implement, such as developing a machine vision application.

 There is little competitive advantage to performing resource management tasks. For example, the competitive advantage that may come from using Apache Spark for analytics stems from the algorithms and analysis methodologies, not from the administration of the Spark cluster.

Architects do not necessarily need to know the details of how managed services work. This is one of their advantages. Architects do not need to develop an expertise in natural language processing to use the Natural Language AI, but they do need to understand what kinds of functions managed services provide. See Table 2.1 for brief descriptions of some of the Google Cloud Platform managed services.

TABLE 2.1 Examples of Google Cloud Platform managed services

Service Name Service Type Description
AutoML Tables AI and machine learning Machine learning models for structured data
Recommendations AI AI and machine learning Personalized recommendations
Natural Language AI AI and machine learning Entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and language identification
Cloud Translation AI and machine learning Translate between languages
Cloud Vision AI and machine learning Understand contents of images
Dialogflow Essentials AI and machine learning Development suite for voice and text conversational apps
BigQuery Analytics Data warehousing and analytics
Cloud Datalab Analytics Interactive data analysis tool based on Jupyter Notebooks
Dataproc Analytics Managed Hadoop and Spark service
Cloud Data Fusion Data management Data integration and ETL tool
Data Catalog Data management Metadata management service
Dataflow Data management Stream and batch processing
Cloud Spanner Database Global relational database
Cloud SQL Database Regional relational database
Cloud Deployment Manager Development Infrastructure-as-code service
Cloud Pub/Sub Messaging Messaging service
Cloud Composer Orchestration Data workflow orchestration service
Bigtable Storage Wide column, NoSQL database
Cloud Data Transfer Storage Bulk data transfer service
Cloud Memorystore Storage Managed cache service using Redis or memcached
Cloud Storage Storage Managed object storage service

This table is provided to show the breadth of Google Cloud Platform managed services. The services offered change over time. Managed services may be generally available, or they can be in beta. For a list of current services, see the Google Platform Services Summary at cloud.google.com/terms/services.

Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect Study Guide

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