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Pub/Sub Lite vs. Pub/Sub


Pub/Sub is a highly scalable messaging service in Google Cloud. Pub/Sub Lite is also horizontally scalable but costs less and provides lower levels of service than Pub/Sub.

Pub/Sub provides for per-message parallelism, automatic scaling, and global routing. Service endpoints are global and regional.

Pub/Sub Lite offers lower availability and durability than Pub/Sub. Messages replication is limited to a single zone unlike Pub/Sub, which provides multizone replication in a single region. Pub/Sub Lite service endpoints are regional, not global. The Lite service also requires users of the service to manage resource capacity.

Pub/Sub Lite can cost up to 85 percent less than Cloud Pub/Sub, but Google recommends that Pub/Sub as the default choice for a managed messaging service.

Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect Study Guide

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