Читать книгу Scaling Conversations - Dave MacLeod - Страница 12



Picture a leader or a mentor you have a very strong relationship with. Someone you would now do anything to help if you knew they were in trouble. With them in your mind, now picture those hills and valleys of crisis. Each crisis in your organization and in your life has a valley when it was extremely hard. After that valley comes a time of solutions and changes, which often also has a lot of joy associated with them. When in those hills and valleys do you think of that person you are picturing? Are they only in your mind at the top of the hill? During the innovation and solutions and changes and joy? Probably not. Probably that person you pictured is there with you in the valleys as you went through hard times, as you learned hard lessons, as you grew as a leader. They were with you through thick and thin, as it were.

Even more than being with you as you grew as a leader, that person you chose is probably someone who was more than that. They were probably an important, maybe even critical, component of your learning and success. Great leaders and mentors are people you have conversations with, and you share where you are stuck, and they listen deeply and share their stories and perspective with you. They help you navigate and thrive through crisis. And the more challenges you navigate with them, the stronger your connection with them becomes. The opportunities for connection with leaders during such crises looks like this:

So now let's turn the table around. You are a leader with stakeholders. You have crises. Sometimes you have a whole lot of them. The people you lead have fears and concerns and challenges they need to transform into growth and opportunity. And the more crisis you discuss with them—the conversations you scale—that you help them navigate, the more opportunity you have for connection. And the reward for this connection is capital.

Scaling Conversations

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