Читать книгу Disaster Response and Recovery - David A. McEntire - Страница 88
For Example
ОглавлениеFEMA AmeriCorps Teams
In September 2013, heavy rains caused flooding over 2,000 square miles in 17 Colorado counties. Over 15,000 homes were damaged and nearly 2,000 homes were completely destroyed. To address the needs of disaster victims, FEMA deployed 30 AmeriCorps Teams (which are affiliated with the U.S. Corporation for National and Community Service). These groups, comprised of over 240 members, included recent college graduates who want to make a difference while gaining additional experience and credentials. The young, energetic individuals performed a variety of tasks including mass care, assistance at evacuation sites and sheltering locations, and donation staging and distribution. They also mudded and gutted flooded homes and moved over 1.2 million pounds of furniture. The involvement of AmeriCorps cuts federal disaster costs and helps thousands of victims in need (Figure 2‐5).
Figure 2‐5 FEMA Corps members arriving in Jamestown, CO, on October 2, 2013. These government representatives went door to door to make sure residents were aware of the availability of federal disaster assistance. Michael Rieger/FEMA.