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2.2 The Private Sector


As an emergency manager, you should understand that businesses will be affected by disasters and that they will consequently be involved in response and recovery operations (Flynn 2007; Webb, Tierney and Dahlhamer 2000). Naturally, the first priority of any business is to seek profit through commerce of various types, and this can sometimes complicate broader post‐disaster priorities and actions (Birkland and Nath 2000). On many occasions, those in the private sector will operate independently in disasters, only taking care of their own interests and needs (Marwitz et. al. 2008; Sanchez, Korbin and Viscarra 1995; Frost 1994). However, companies do play important and varied roles after disasters. At times, the private sector will help the community to address disaster impacts and it may be a unique asset for those working in emergency management (US Senate 2005; McEntire et. al., 2003). The responsibilities of the private sector are broad and range from emergency medical care to reporting and the settlement of insurance claims.

Disaster Response and Recovery

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