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Table of Contents

The nerves of the Fish.—The nervous system in the fish, as in the higher vertebrates, consists of brain and spinal cord with sensory, or afferent, and motor, or efferent, nerves. As in other vertebrates, the nerve substance is divided into gray matter and white matter, or nerve-cells and nerve-fibres. In the fish, however, the whole nervous system is relatively small, and the gray matter less developed than in the higher forms. According to Günther the brain in the pike (Esox) forms but 1/1305 part of the weight of the body; in the burbot (Lota) about 1/720 part.

The cranium in fishes is relatively small, but the brain does not nearly fill its cavity, the space between the dura mater, which lines the skull-cavity, and the arachnoid membrane, which envelops the brain, being filled with a soft fluid containing a quantity of fat.

The Brain of the Fish.—It is most convenient to examine the fish-brain, first in its higher stages of development, as seen in the sunfish, striped bass, or perch. As seen from above the brain of a typical fish seems to consist of five lobes, four of them in pairs, the fifth posterior to these and placed on the median line. The posterior lobe is the cerebellum, or metencephalon, and it rests on the medulla oblongata, the posterior portion of the brain, which is directly continuous with the spinal cord.

In front of the cerebellum lies the largest pair of lobes, each of them hollow, the optic nerves being attached to the lower surface. These are known as the optic lobes, or mesencephalon. In front of these lie the two lobes of the cerebrum, also called the hemispheres, or prosencephalon. These lobes are usually smaller than the optic lobes and solid. In some fishes they are crossed by a furrow, but are never corrugated as in the brain of the higher animals. In front of the cerebrum lie the two small olfactory lobes, which receive the large olfactory nerve from the nostrils. From its lower surface is suspended the hypophysis or pituitary gland.

Fig. 78.—Brain of a Shark (Squatina squatina L.). (After Dean.)

 I. First cranial nerve (olfactory).

 P. Prosencephalon (cerebrum).

 E. Epiphysis.

 T. Thalamencephalon.

 II. Second cranial nerve.

 IV. Fourth cranial nerve.

 V. Fifth cranial nerve.

 VII. Seventh cranial nerve.

 V4. Fourth ventricle.

 M. Mesencephalon (optic lobes).

 MT. Metencephalon (medulla).

 EP. Epencephalon (cerebellum).

Fig. 79.—Brain of Chimæra monstrosa. (After Wilder per Dean.)

Fig. 80.—Brain of Protopterus annectens. (After Burckhardt per Dean.)

In most of the bony fishes the structure of the brain does not differ materially from that seen in the perch. In the sturgeon, however, the parts are more widely separated. In the Dipnoans the cerebral hemispheres are united, while the optic lobe and cerebellum are very small. In the sharks and rays the large cerebral hemispheres are usually coalescent into one, and the olfactory nerves dilate into large ganglia below the nostrils. The optic lobes are smaller than the hemispheres and also coalescent. The cerebellum is very large, and the surface of the medulla oblongata is more or less modified or specialized. The brain of the shark is relatively more highly developed than that of the bony fishes, although in most other regards the latter are more distinctly specialized.

The Pineal Organ.—Besides the structures noted in other fishes the epiphysis, or pineal organ, is largely developed in sharks, and traces of it are found in most or all of the higher vertebrates. In some of the lizards this epiphysis is largely developed, bearing at its tip a rudimentary eye. This leaves no doubt that in these forms it has an optic function. For this reason the structure wherever found has been regarded as a rudimentary eye, and the "pineal eye" has been called the "unpaired median eye of chordate" animals.

Fig. 81.—Brain of a Perch, Perca flavescens. (After Dean.)

 R. Olfactory lobe.

 P. Cerebrum (prosencephalon).

 E. Epiphysis.

 M. Optic lobes (mesencephalon).

 EP. Cerebellum (epencephalon).

 ML. Medulla oblongata (metencephalon).

 I. First cranial nerve.

 II. Second cranial nerve.

 IV. Fourth cranial nerve.

 V. Fifth cranial nerve.

 VII. Seventh cranial nerve.

 VIII. Eighth cranial nerve.

 IX. Ninth cranial nerve.

 X. Tenth cranial nerve.

Fig. 82.—Petromyzon marinus unicolor (Dekay). Head of Lake Lamprey, showing pineal body. (After Gage.)

It has been supposed that this eye, once possessed by all vertebrate forms, has been gradually lost with the better development of the paired eyes, being best preserved in reptiles as "an outcome of the life-habit which concealed the animal in sand or mud, and allowed the forehead surface alone to protrude, the median eye thus preserving its ancestral value in enabling the animal to look directly upward and backward." This theory receives no support from the structures seen in the fishes.

In none of the fishes is the epiphysis more than a nervous enlargement, and neither in fishes nor in amphibia is there the slightest suggestion of its connection with vision. It seems probable, as suggested by Hertwig and maintained by Dean that the original function of the pineal body was a nervous one and that its connection with or development into a median eye in lizards was a modification of a secondary character. On consideration of the evidence, Dr. Dean concludes that "the pineal structures of the true fishes do not tend to confirm the theory that the epiphysis of the ancestral vertebrates was connected with a median unpaired eye. It would appear, on the other hand, that both in their recent and fossil forms the epiphysis was connected in its median opening with the innervation of the sensory canals of the head. This view seems essentially confirmed by ontogeny. The fact that three successive pairs of epiphyseal outgrowths have been noted in the roof of the thalamencephalon6 appears distinctly adverse to the theory of a median eye."7

The Brain of Primitive Fishes.—The brain of the hagfish differs widely from that of the higher fishes, and the homologies of the different parts are still uncertain. The different ganglia are all solid and are placed in pairs. It is thought that the cerebellum is wanting in these fishes, or represented by a narrow commissure (corpus restiforme) across the front of the medulla. In the lamprey the brain is more like that of the ordinary fish.

In the lancelet there is no trace of brain, the band-like spinal cord tapering toward either end.

The Spinal Cord.—The spinal cord extends from the brain to the tail, passing through the neural arches of the different vertebræ when these are developed. In the higher fishes it is cylindrical and inelastic. In a few fishes (headfish, trunkfish) in which the posterior part of the body is shortened or degenerate, the spinal cord is much shortened, and replaced behind by a structure called cauda equina. In the headfish it has shrunk into "a short and conical appendage to the brain." In the Cyclostomes and chimæra the spinal cord is elastic and more or less flattened or band-like, at least posteriorly.

The Nerves.—The nerves of the fish correspond in general in place and function with those of the higher animals. They are, however, fewer in number, both large nerve-trunks and smaller nerves being less developed than in higher forms.

The olfactory nerves, or first pair, extend through the ethmoid bone to the nasal cavity, which is typically a blind sac with two roundish openings, but is subject to many variations. The optic nerves, or second pair, extend from the eye to the base of the optic lobes. In Cyclostomes these nerves run from each eye to the lobe of its own side. In the bony fishes, or Teleostei, each runs from the eye to the lobe of the opposite side. In the sharks, rays, chimæras, and Ganoids the two optic nerves are joined in a chiasma as in the higher vertebrates.

Other nerves arising in the brain are the third pair, or nervus oculorum motorius, and the fourth pair, nervus trochlearis, both of which supply the muscles of the eye. The fifth pair, nervus trigeminus, and the seventh pair, nervus facialis, arise from the medulla oblongata and are very close together. Their various branches, sensory and motor, ramify among the muscles and sensory areas of the head. The sixth pair, nervus abducens, passes also to muscles of the eye, and in sharks to the nictitating membrane or third eyelid.

The eighth pair, nervus acousticus, leads to the ear. The ninth pair, glosso-pharyngeal, passes to the tongue and pharynx, and forms a ganglion connected with the sympathetic system. The tenth pair, nervus vagus, or pneumogastric nerve, arises from strong roots in the corpus restiforme and the lower part of the medulla oblongata. Its nerves, motor and sensory, reach the muscles of the gill-cavity, heart, stomach, and air-bladder, as well as the muscular system and the skin. In fishes covered with bony plates the skin may be nearly or quite without sensory nerves. The eleventh pair, nervus accessorius, and twelfth pair, nervus hypoglossus, are wanting in fishes.

The spinal nerves are subject to some special modifications, but in the main correspond to similar structures in higher vertebrates. The anterior root of each nerve is without ganglionic enlargement and contains only motor elements. The posterior or dorsal root is sensory only and widens into a ganglionic swelling near the base.

A sympathetic system corresponding to that in the higher vertebrates is found in all the Teleostei, or bony fishes, and in the body of sharks and rays in which it is not extended to the head.


6. The thalamencephalon or the interbrain is a name given to the region of the optic thalami, between the bases of the optic lobes and cerebrum.

7. Fishes Recent and Fossil, p. 55.

A Guide to the Study of Fishes

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