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22. Hæmulon.

23. Calamus.

24. Clarion Island and Socorro Island.

25. A few Mexican shore fishes, Chætodon humeralis, Galeichthys dasycephalus, Hypsoblennius parvipinnis, have been wrongly accredited to Hawaii by some misplacement of labels.

26. The dragonets (Callionymus) are shore fishes of the shallowest waters in Europe and Asia, but inhabit considerable depths in tropical America. The sea-robins (Prionotus) are shore fishes in Massachusetts, semi-bathybial fishes at Panama. Often Arctic shore fishes become semi-bathybial in the Temperate Zone, living in water of a given temperature. A long period of cold weather will sometimes bring such to the surface.

27. "Introduction to the Study of Fishes."

28. Cyprinidæ.

29. "A Comparison of Antipodal Faunæ," 1887.

30. Galaxias, Neochanna, Prototroctes, and Retropinna.

31. The shovel-nosed sturgeon (Scaphirynchus and Kessleria) and the paddle-fish (Polyodon and Psephurus).

32. Esox lucius.

33. Umrba, the mud-minnow.

34. Leuciscus hakuensis.

35. Eleotris fusca.

36. Awaous genivittatus.

A Guide to the Study of Fishes

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