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Coughs can be treated herbally in many ways and every herbalist will have a favourite herb or mixture. Coltsfoot is by far the best standard remedy to have available. Sometimes a combination can be more effective. A basic one with a quite pleasant taste can be made from equal parts of




Potters New Cyclopaedia contains a mixture of flowers that is not only effective but looks and tastes exquisite.

Potter’s Pectoral No. 1:

Marshmallow Flowers

Mallow Flowers

Coltsfoot Flowers

Violet Flowers

Mullein Flowers

Red Poppy Flowers

are combined in equal parts and made into an infusion.

Both of the above mixtures can be taken up to every three hours, although three times a day would be best.

Another highly effective remedy is White Horehound, but because of its unpleasant taste it needs to be well masked by combining it with Liquorice or Aniseed. This herb was the original constituent of cough candy—an infusion of White Horehound plus sugar, lots of it.

If the cough is causing any pressure on a weak heart, it might be useful to add Motherwort to the tea. This will help cardiac activity without forcing the heart.

A dry, irritable cough would benefit from respiratory relaxants and demulcents. Wild Lettuce and Coltsfoot are useful here. Sometimes such coughs can be nervous in origin, in which case it is more advisable to use nervine relaxants.

Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies

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