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Asthma can stem from a combination of causes. There is often an allergic component that triggers asthmatic attacks. In some cases the cause is purely genetic whilst in others it may be an aquired reaction due to exposure to an irritant. The state of the nervous tone of the body can also lead to bronchial spasms. In predisposed people, tension, anxiety, hyperactivity or exhaustion can cause so much stress that an asthma attack is triggered off. Similarly, spasms or difficulty in breathing could be caused by osteopathic problems that happen to affect the spot where the thoracic nerve comes out of the spine.

The body is usually able to compensate for and balance a lot of influences, but our life style, diet, posture and attitude to life are all powerful contributing factors and have to be taken into account in a treatment.

Asthma will respond well to herbal treatment, but it is impossible to give a prescription that is appropriate in all cases as the various factors involved must be identified and the remedies chosen accordingly. Herbs that help reduce spasm and ease breathing include Grindelia, Lobelia, Mouse Ear, Pill Bearing Spurge, Sundew and Wild Cherry.

If there is production of sputum—which of course must be got rid of—expectorants like Aniseed, Blood Root, Coltsfood, Comfrey Root, Liquorice and Senega will help.

Where there is an allergic component, it is good to remember the use of the Chinese herb Ephedra.

If the attacks tax the strength of the heart—which they often do—Motherwort will be invaluable with its gentle strengthening action.

If any hypertension is involved, Hawthorn and Lime Blossom will be useful. Anxiety and tension are best treated with Hops, Skullcap or Valerian.

Occasionally one finds that asthma will respond well to the use of nervines alone, as fear is one of the most potent triggers for an asthma attack. It can even be fear of the attack itself. As such, anything that will augment the person’s inner strength and self-image is called for. The nervines will help this process, but a psychotherapeutic approach can be invaluable in addition. Relaxation techniques can help, and some are described in the section on Relaxation in the Nervous System chapter.

A word about dairy products: in many cases of childhood asthma and eczema, milk has been shown to be a trigger for allergic reactions. Such causes may lie at the heart of many adult problems as well. It is vital that our children are breast-fed for as long as possible. When they are weaned, they should not be put on a diet of cow’s milk with its various additions. Instead, dairy products should be kept from the diet, as well as over-refined foods, especially sugar. Red meat is inadvisable. The milk and cheese from goats cause none of the problems that cow’s milk does and can be used as a substitute.

Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies

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