Читать книгу Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies - David Hoffmann - Страница 65



The glandular tissue that is called the tonsils is a variety of the lymphatic tissue, and shares with other lymphatic glands a role in the defence of the body from infection. The inflammation of the tonsils—tonsillitis—demonstrates that the glands fulfil their purpose of protecting the body. The appropriate treatment aims at supporting the body herbally, to aid the glands in the work they are doing. They should not be removed by surgery as is done so often, unless there is very good reason.

To this end, antimicrobial remedies like Echinacea, Myrrh or Red Sage are called for, together with lymphatic alterative tonics like Cleavers, Poke Root, Marigold or Golden Seal. Astringents and demulcents may also be used. A good mixture for internal use is:

Echinacea 2 parts
Poke Root 2 parts
Red Sage 2 parts
Balm of Gilead 1 part

Take a cup every two hours, which may be sweetened with Liquorice.

Agrimony and Raspberry have a good reputation in tonsillitis. An infusion of equal parts drunk three times a day may help. Use the infusion as a gargle as well.

A gargle of Red Sage or Golden Seal can be used, which can also be sprayed onto the tonsils using a hand spray obtainable from chemists.


Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies

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