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When a disturbance in the stomach changes from a functional one like indigestion to a structural one, the first stage is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach wall. It may last only for a short time and can be due to an infection or a reaction to food, or it might be more chronic. If it lasts for a while, the causes that should be looked at are: eating wrong foods, alcohol, cigarettes (swallowed tar) and stress. Usually a combination of these factors will be involved. The treatment of gastritis is based on diet and herbs.

As far as diet is concerned, the primary short-term need is to avoid irritants that may cause or aggravate the inflammation. These may involve temperature, or irritants of a chemical or mechanical nature:—Very hot foods or drinks should be abstained from as these will directly aggravate the inflammation. Cold things will usually have a similarly painful effect.

—Chemical irritants will have an immediate impact. Commonly used foodstuffs which contain vinegar, which is diluted acetic acid, must be avoided. Vinegar should not be added to food; pickles must similarly be avoided. Alcohol in any form is out, as this acts on the stomach lining in a similar way to vinegar. Tobacco will also aggravate the problem as much of the tar is swallowed. Spicy food, curries, rich and greasy foods will all have an unpleasant effect.

—Mechanical irritants will cause discomfort as well. When there is acute inflammation it is best to have a diet that is very low in fibre, as fibre may have a similar effect to sandpaper on a cut! A bland diet is called for: no coarse bread, nuts, tomatoes etc. As soon as an improvement is established, then reintroduce roughage, as it is an essential component of a healthy diet.

Herbally, the following mixture will effectively soothe and heal the stomach lining:

Comfrey Root 2 parts
Marshmallow Root 2 parts
Meadowsweet 2 parts
Golden Seal 1 part

Take this tea after each meal, until the condition clears.

If a lot of flatulence accompanies the inflammation, add one part of Calamus to the mixture. Similarly, if stress is part of the problem, Valerian may be added as a suitable nervine.

Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies

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