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Gastric ulcer
ОглавлениеWhen abuse of the stomach has continued, perhaps unconsciously, for too long, an inevitable breakdown occurs in the lining of the stomach. As the mucous membranes of the wall no longer deal with the unhealthy condition, the acid and the digestive enzymes can reach the wall and take their toll. A gastric ulcer develops.
The herbal treatment of these ulcers is quite straightforward and apparently fast. However, a relief of the pain must not be confused with the healing of the underlying problem. The herbal remedies will ease the symptoms and start the healing process, but a complete healing will take time and has to include a close look at one’s lifestyle. By developing a gastric or a duodenal ulcer, the body is telling us that something in the whole web of our lifestyle is inappropriate. It may just be the diet, but it may also often be the work pattern, our relationships, or even our country’s defence policy!
Herbs can heal the ulcer, but it may return very quickly, unless the lessons being offered are recognised consciously and acted upon.
The treatment is based on a careful diet and on the use of herbs. A useful herbal tea consists of equal parts of
Comfrey Root
Golden Seal
Marshmallow Root
The Comfrey and Marshmallow provide excellent soothing demulcent action combined with a healing effect upon the mucous membranes. A cold infusion of the demulcents is more mucilaginous and soothing than tea or tincture. For details see the chapter on preparing herbs. Slippery Elm may be added to the diet or taken as tablets. The Meadowsweet will settle the stomach content and reduce the impact of over-acidity. The Golden Seal will prove beneficial for the membranes and act to tone the tissue whilst providing a general tonic action upon the body. If bleeding occurs within the stomach, American Cranesbill may be added to the mixture. If there is a stress component—and there usually is—Valerian or perhaps Hops may be considered.
The diet should be very low in fibre during the acute phase of the illness. In addition there should be little protein, thereby giving the stomach less work to do. When the symptoms recede, fibre and a variety of proteins may slowly be reintroduced. Of great importance is the avoidance of alcohol and also the avoidance of tobacco. With tobacco, withdrawal may produce nervous tension and therefore make things worse. If this is the case, then stop smoking as soon as you can; you’re hooked.