Читать книгу Grumpy Old Men: New Year, Same Old Crap - David Quantick - Страница 25



If Andy Warhol had said, ‘In the future everyone will be famous for bugger all’, he’d have been even more right. We have long passed the point where people are even famous for being famous. That’s long gone; now people are famous for wanting to be famous. They’re famous for failing to become famous. Some are famous for knowing someone famous. It’s revolting. What we thought was the Z-list turned out to be just the tip of the arseberg.

Jorge Luis Borges, who was famous for being excellent, wrote a story about a lottery that controlled every aspect of human life, where the wrong ticket could result in your execution and the right one could make you a king. Celebrity-wise, the world’s not far from that now. Soon people won’t actually have to do anything to become famous; they’ll just be able to sit at home, waiting for the letter or email that says, ‘Congratulations, Mister Thompson! You have been selected from millions of idle gimps to be famous! Tick here if you want as much publicity as humanly possible!’

Grumpy Old Men: New Year, Same Old Crap

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