Читать книгу Blind To The Eye - DeAnna Sanders - Страница 3

Chapter 2


I could feel the brightness of the sun shining down on me as I was walking on the soft green grass. It was such a pretty day; the birds were chirping and the butterflies were flapping their bright colored wings. Before I could take another deep breath to inhale this beautiful sunny day, it suddenly became dark. I looked up at the sky to try and see what happened to the sun, but I couldn’t see anything. Also, there was no one else outside but me; this was very strange. This was scary so I ran into the house as fast as I could and locked the door behind me. As I was leaning up against the door, I thought I heard a knock. I started walking towards the steps just thinking it was in my head until I heard two knocks again. I wasn’t sure who was knocking because I didn’t see anyone outside. So, I just ignored it and started walking up the steps. Before I could make it any further I heard a loud BOOM behind me. I was scared to see what it was, but I couldn’t resist the temptation. I turned around and saw a dark shadowy figure. I couldn’t tell if it was a person, yet alone a human. I could see this figure coming towards me so I ran as fast as ­­­­­­­­­­­­­I could up the steps hoping that I could get away. As I reached the top step, it grabbed and pulled me down. I was face to face with this creature now. It looked at me with hell in its eyes feeling satisfied that it had captured me. I wanted to scream, I wanted to run, I wanted to fight back, but nothing. The shadowy figure then pulled back and raised its hands in a charging form, the floor started to shake. The shake got harder, harder and harder. “WAKE UP, Kaitlyn! C’mon baby wake up! Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn!” I heard labored screaming in my ears. When I realized that I was looking at Cassandra, I let out a deep breath of relief and realized it was only a dream.

I didn’t sleep worth crap last night. I really wanted to stay in bed all day, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. I heard a knock at my door as I knew who it was already. “Come in.” I stated as I knew it was Cassandra. “Hey, how are you doing this morning?” A deep voice said. To my surprise it was Eric. “Oh, I’m doing okay.” I said still feeling restless. “You know I wanted to be here when you got home, but there was a few emergencies that had to be taken care of at the office.” He said. “Eric, you don’t have to explain anything to me. You’re grown.” I said with a hint of cynicism “Kaitlyn, I don’t want this to be unpleasant, okay. Now upon your release, the doctor put me and your mother in charge. So, I want nothing but respect from you.” He said with a stern tone. Are you serious right now? Did he really just say that? “Well, I’ll just move out so I won’t have to abide by YOUR RULES.” I replied back hard-heartedly. “Kaitlyn, you don’t get it do you? C’mon you’re not that stupid.” Do you see what I mean by him being a bastard? At this point I was done talking to him. “You’re not stable. Until the doctor declares you mentally stable, you’re not allowed to live on your own considering the reason why you went there in the first place.” He was unsympathetic with his words. “Eric!” Cassandra shouted. I don’t know how long she had been standing there listening, but obviously long enough. The entire conversation quickly ended after Casandra interrupted. Sorry to say, but I was kind of glad she walked in when she did.

I started walking downstairs and I could hear Cassandra and Eric talking softly. They must have heard me coming down because while I was entering into the kitchen the whispering stopped. “Good Morning, how are you?” Cassandra asked as she was hoping I didn’t over hear their conversation. “Okay, I guess.” I replied. There was a few minutes of silence before more drama got started. “We think that you should continue to see a therapist.” Eric said in between sips of coffee. I took a moment before I opened my mouth. “Um, I don’t think I need to, but I will think about it.” I told him. “Well, we don’t want to pressure you, but we just think that it’ll be a good idea. Your mom told me you had a nightmare last night.” He answered as if he was trying to be so concerned. Ugh, please I need to get outta here. I couldn’t believe he was trying to pretend that we were cool after the stunt he pulled earlier. Where are you, Stan? I wondered to myself. I called his ass like forty five minutes ago and he still wasn’t there. “Like I said before, I will think about it.” I replied matter-of-factly. The conversation was interrupted by the doorbell. “I’ll get it.” Cassandra said as she gave Eric an evil glare. I heard Stan loud mouth as he was asking how she was doing and apologized again for upsetting me last night. Boy, I tell you if they only knew the real Stan I guarantee you they wouldn’t be this nice to him. “Good Morning, Mr. Thomas.” Stan said. “Good Morning, Stanley. Have you decided on which team you going with?” Eric asked as he was now reading the newspaper. “No, not yet sir, and you know I couldn’t tell you that. My agent would kill me.” Stan said with a chuckle. I stood in the doorway motioning him to come on as I had enough of listening to them telling me what I needed to do. “Nice to see you guys again.” Stan said as he was trailing behind me. “Stanley wait.” Eric said. “Listen, watch her okay. You know her situation so if she looks or feels uncomfortable with something I want you to call us as soon as possible okay.” Eric said flatly while still trying to pretend to be concerned. “Sure, Mr. Thomas.” I could hear their conversation through the door and Stan always said it was because I had dog ears. “Really?” I whispered to Stan. He put his finger to his lips to shush me. I bit my lip as we were walking to his car. Once it was clear to talk, I let Stan have it instead of the intended, Eric. “I’m a grown ass woman. What the hell I look like? Twenty-Seven and still living at home.” I yelled at him in aggravation. “She got rid of my apartment like I asked her to do that. He wants me to see a therapist. And when the hell were you going to tell me that you got drafted to the pros? I mean, I’m gone and no one writes, calls or visits, and y’all wonder why I got an attitude.” I was beyond pissed at this moment. “Kait, Kait.” I could barely hear him calling my name as I kept yelling. I finally stopped talking so he could give his excuse. “First, I was going to tell you today. Second, I did try to visit but they told me you weren’t allowed to have visitors. Third, I couldn’t visit you because I was finishing up with school, and I was gone constantly to training camp.” I couldn’t be mad at him for wanting to finish school. I was proud that he did what most guys wouldn’t do if they were offered a professional contact to play football.

When Stan and I arrived at the shopping strip, I couldn’t help but wonder what I needed to do with my life now that I wasn’t a prisoner anymore. I thought about going back to school to study counseling, but I don’t think that would be wise. I got enough problems of my own that I need to take care of. So, the only other choice I had was to get a job with the family law firm considering the fact that I did finish school for that. I didn’t want to do it, but I refuse to sit around in the house with them all day doing nothing.

“So, what do you wanna do first?” Stan asked me. “Well, I want to get something done to this head and then my nails and all that good stuff.” I said as I was picking at my nails and scratching my head. “Yeah, ‘cause today you are looking just a little bit rough like you just rolled out of bed without touching your head.” He said as he tried to pick at my head. “Shut the hell up.” I responded with a long eye roll.

I noticed that the town had gotten a bit crowded since I left. I really don’t remember the shopping strip being this crowed in the morning. I was relieved to see that my beautician was still in the same spot because I sure didn’t have time to look for someone else. “Well, you go ahead and do your girly stuff and just call me when you’re ready.” Stan said as I was opening the door to get out. “You trying to be funny?” I said while sitting in the car with the door propped open. “What? I don’t wanna sit around in no damn salon listening to you females talk about how men are all dogs.” He replied in a girly voice trying to imitate what he thinks goes on in salons. “Now how am I going to call you? No cell phone.” I held my hands out as if I was holding an imaginary cell phone. “They got a phone in there that you can use.” He said to me. “Kiss my ass.” I told him rudely because who goes anywhere without a cell phone these days. I was gonna look like I was from the past if I asked to us their phone. “Aight, chill…chill. I’ll just go get one added to my line.” Stan said as he was pulling out his phone. “You’ll do that for me?” I asked. “Yes, you know I would do anything for you, Kait. You like the little sister I never had and a woman I will have.” He said as he was grinning and rubbing his bald head. “That was so disturbing. It’s like you saying you wanna sleep with your sister.” I told him as he noted that he was only joking. “By the way how are you paying for all of this?” He asked me. “Stanley, you forgot? I’m a Thomas, store credit baby.” I said as I was getting out of his car.

I wasn’t nervous about being out and people wondering where I’ve been because I’m quite sure that my “so called” parents came up with an excuse. They couldn’t risk the corruption of the family name if everyone knew the truth neither could they afford what people would think if they found out where I’ve been the last three years. Come to think of it, I wondered how they were able to keep the doctors and nurses from snitching. Because everyone knows that when you’re well-known and considered perfect, people try to find your flaw. I really didn’t care how they did it honestly. I really just wanted to focus on getting my life back together.

Once I finished pampering myself, I peeped outside the door to see if I could see Stan. I told him that it would only take about three hours, but to him that’s four hours. “Hey, can I use your phone?” I asked my beautician as she was getting ready for another client. “Sure, honey, and next time let me know when you’re gonna be gone on charity events. You know I’m always looking for a way to boost my business.” She said as she handed the phone. See, what I mean? They were able to come up with an excuse for me being gone for so long. I dialed Stan’s number and he didn’t answer on the first try, so I called him again. “Yo, this me.” He picked up in an aggressive tone. “Is that how you answer your phone?” I asked in a high pitch voice. “Who dis?” He said smartly. “Who the hell do you think it is?” I said. “I don’t know, you called me.” He yelled. “Bring yo damn ass on and stop playing.” I yelled back. “Oh, my bad. Aight, I’m on my way.” Stan said as he now realized who I was. “Meet me at that restaurant at the corner I saw.” I told him. “You talking about the Tasty Food & Bar?” He asked. “If it was at the corner, then, yes, that’s the one.” I quickly hung up the phone as he was talking.

I didn’t wait for him to pull up in order to walk with me to the restaurant. Cassandra and Eric were already treating me like a child and I didn’t need it from him, too. The breeze felt so good blowing through my new relaxed hair. I’ve always enjoyed spring weather because it’s not too cold and it’s not too hot, the temperature is just right. “Pardon me?” What now I said to myself. I slowly turned around and as the wind blew a few strands of hair on my face I swiped it away with my hand to see who was disturbing me. “Wow!” A man said as he was surprised that a black woman could have hair like this. “Excuse me.?” I said to him. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to be rude or stare, but you are eye catching.” He said with amazement. “What did you just say to me? Eye Candy? Listen here, that mess may work with other bitches, but this bitch right here, ain’t the one. So, why don’t you find someone else to play with?” I snapped as I was shaking my head and pointing my finger towards other chicks walking. “Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. No, I said catching, catching and not candy. I’m sorry it was probably my accent that threw you off.” This strange man was basically apologizing for giving me a compliment. I was sort of embarrassed that I just cussed this man out for no reason. “Well, my bad. It really did sound like you said candy and not catching. You have a very strong accent?” I told this stranger who was hovering over me at about six foot, seven inches tall. “Not a problem.” He said. I was waiting for him to continue, but he was just staring. “How about taking a picture. It’ll last longer.” I said as I stared at this tall, well-built white man. “I’m sorry. Your beauty threw me off.” He said with a smile. Boy, this guy is corny as hell. “I’m looking for the courthouse actually.” He replied as he was looking around. “Well, it’s right around the corner if you’ll just go two blocks up and you should see it.” I said pointing him in the right direction. “Okay, thanks.” I shook my head in a welcome gesture and started on my way when I heard his voice again. “Excuse me.” I hesitantly turned around wondering what words I was gonna misunderstand this time. “I’m Keith by the way.” He was extending his hand for a handshake while I had my arms crossed. He noticed that I wasn’t interested in shaking hands so he slowly pulled it back hoping that I would change my mind and return the gesture. “Keith is it? Again, sorry for blowing up on you like that. You just kind of caught me off guard.” I said trying not to be so rude to this strange man. “No, it’s my bad I should have just asked for directions and not try to flirt.” He was still smiling showing his pearly white perfect teeth. “Do you have a name or should I just call you gorgeous?” He said. “I really gotta be on my way.” I said to him as I was getting tired of his corny pickup lines. “Well, gorgeous it was nice to meet you. I do hope that we run into each other again.” He was holding his hand out again for a hand shake. I grabbed his hand in response to his gesture and before I knew it he lifted it up and kissed it softly with his soft pink lips. It actually felt good, but I couldn’t let him know it. When he let go of my hand, I could see his shining blue eyes looking into mine. I stopped staring at his eyes and started looking at him from top to bottom without moving my head. I noticed a dimple in his chin on his well shaven face to match his well combed brown hair. Wait, what the hell am I saying and doing. “Oh, there’s my friend I gotta go.” I told him as I saw Stan parking his car. “Sure, it was nice meeting you again.” He said with a smile. I didn’t respond as I walked by him trying to hide the fact that he really smelled good.

“Who was that?” Stan asked as he was walking towards me. “Oh, some guy who was lost.” I said shrugging my shoulders. “So when y’all going out?” He said while he elbowing me and winking his eye. “Stan, I am not you. I don’t jump on everything with legs that say I’m eye catching.” I heard Stan laughing as we were sitting down at a table. “Wait, wait. He said that? Bo, that has got to be the corniest line ever.” He said as he was still chuckling a little. “Well, it’s no different than saying, Stan the man.” I said to him. “Hey, don’t hate the game, hate the player.” I rolled my eyes at him as he was still grinning at the fact that he was a player. “Anyway! Listen, I’ve decided to work for the law firm.” I told him in order to change the subject regarding Keith. “Say what?” He stopped looking at the menu to ask me that question. “If working for Eric is gonna keep me sane, then that’s what I gotta do. Plus, I gotta figure out how to get this doctor to deem me independent.” I said while rubbing my forehead. “Clear you? I thought you were clear which was why they let you come home.” Stan asked with a confused look on his face. “Nope, Eric made it really clear this morning that the doctor said that I am unstable to live by myself and until I get a clearance. I am S.O.L!” I said holding my thumb and finger up to my temple in reference to a gun as I pulled a fake trigger.

“Are you sure there’s not nothing else you can do?” He asked me as our food was being brought to our table. “Honestly, no Stan. Because what other kind of job can I get making the money that I need in order to support myself? “I see your point. So, how’s the food? I know it’s better then what you were getting in the nut house.” Stan asked as he was trying to make me feel better, but instead he insulted me. “You so damn insensitive.” I said as I was putting food on my fork. “Kait, you are cold hearted. Nothing hurts you. Well, almost nothing.” He said as he stopped eating and began staring at me. Ah, man here it comes. “Now, tell me what had you so upset yesterday?” He inquired. “Nothing, Stan just leave it alone alright.” I said as I kept eating. “No, I’m not gonna leave it alone. Just like that day when you disappeared. I came to your house to see if you wanted to catch a movie and no answer. I called your cell phone, disconnected. I called your mom and she said that y’all had a big argument and hadn’t seen you since. Okay, I’ll buy that. But, after days go by still no answer? So, I finally go see your dad at the golf course demanding to know what was going on. He tells me that you had a nervous breakdown after taking your finals and they thought it was best that you get professional help.” He was rambling on and on. I didn’t wanna talk about this at least not in a public place. Stan was hitting all of the right buttons. I was getting emotional because he was my best friend and we never ever kept secrets from each other. No matter if it was good or bad we shared everything. I fought back the tears as I told him this wasn’t the place to talk about my personal business. He calmed down and apologized. I told him that it was okay and that I appreciated his concern. Stan didn’t need to know the truth. I know they say that the truth will set you free, but in my case the truth would do the opposite.

Blind To The Eye

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