Читать книгу Blind To The Eye - DeAnna Sanders - Страница 4
Chapter 3
ОглавлениеDamn, I look good. I thought to myself. Although I was glad I was going to be making some money, I still wasn’t pleased with the fact that I had to work for this damn man. Well, technically he’s retired and doesn’t trust Cassandra with the firm, plus she don’t know a thing about running a company. So, that leaves me to run it. Eric may not like me and probably doesn’t trust me either, but I was able to make partner with a law firm before taking my bar. Now that is something you don’t see every day and Eric was impressed with the fact that I was always top in my class and won all my cases during internship.
I was checked my makeup in the mirror by the door before I left and yelled to them I was leaving. “Wait a second.” Eric yelled back. I stood at the door with my hand on my hip wondering what the hell he wanted. “I know that you probably called Stanley to pick you up to take you to work, but that just wouldn’t look professional. Don’t you agree?” He was handing me some car keys at this point. Ugh, I hated the fact that he bought me a car because it will felt like he was doing me a favor. Bad enough, I’m the HNIC at the law firm and now this. “You didn’t have to do that.” I said as I opened my hand so that he could drop the keys in them. As I was walking to the black Lexus I could see Stan pulling up. “I thought you needed me to take you to work.” He yelled out his window. “I did too.” I said as I opened my door. “Woo. Hot mama! You got a date with ol’ boy later?” I knew he was referring to Keith. “Look, you ass. Unlike you I have to actually do some work in order to get paid.” I said while rubbing my hands together to suggest I was talking about money. “What? Football is work. You think that it’s easy running up and down the field in the rain, sleet, snow?” He said as he was pointing to the palm of his hand. “Do it look like I care?” I said as I was getting in my car. “Kait?” Stan said with a concerned tone in his voice. I didn’t say anything. I just stood there waiting for him to say another smart comment. “Please, behave, and if you need to talk…….” I didn’t let him finish his sentence. I just simply rolled my eyes, gave him the bird, and got in the car.
While I was walking up the stairs to the courthouse I could feel eyes watching me in amazement. The guys wanted me and the women hated me. Everyone knew who I was automatically. Another bad thing about being well known in a small town is that everyone knows everybody’s business. Well, almost everybody’s business. They can’t know too much about our personal business if my beautician thinks that I’ve been traveling all over the states doing charity work. Please, who would believe that foolishness? Anyway it felt good to be envied. Even though this wasn’t my choice of work, I knew that in the end it would pay off after a while.
When I entered the building, I noticed a scent that seemed familiar to my nose. I knew I smelled it before but I just wasn’t sure where. I ignored my nose for a minute while I tried to find out where my office was going to be. Then it suddenly hit me where the origin of that smell came from when I saw Keith standing in front of the elevators. He didn’t see me just yet so the question remained if I should make my presence known. Hell yeah I should! If he thought I looked good in some sweat pants and a t-shirt, wait till he sees me now. “Excuse me?” I happily returned the favor and interrupted him just like he interrupted me the other day. As he turned around, I noticed he licked his lips in pleasure before speaking. “Once again you are eye catching. I said catching, okay. Not candy.” I chuckled a little because I remembered how our first conversation went. “Well, thank you. So, what are you doing here? Did you not come here the other day? Never mind. It’s none of my business.” I said waving my hand in the air to dismiss my question. “No, I’m actually…..” He stopped as a woman came over and interjected. “Ms. Thomas, I’m here to show you to your office.” The woman said to me. “Okay, I’ll meet you down the hall in a minute.” I told her as she shook her head in agreement and walked towards the end of the hall. “Now, what where you saying?” I asked Keith. “Ms. Thomas? As in the Thomas Law Firm? As in the Thomas County Courthouse?” He said with a surprised look on his face. “Yes, but I’m only adopted into the family name and business. All this stuff belongs to my adoptive parents.” I could tell that once Keith found out who I was that he became nervous as he played with his gold watch. We had been standing in front of the elevators letting it go up and down as neither one of us was ready to go our separate ways. I was feeling bold that day so I said the first thing that came to my mind. “So, you said you hope we would see each other again, right?” I asked in a very flirtatious way. “Yes.” He responded with a smile. Damn, he has a sexy smile. “So, what now?” I asked him. “Well, that’s entirely up to you. I can give you my number and you can do whatever you please with it.” He said as he was holding out his hands and shrugging his shoulders letting me know that he was giving me the upper hand. I rather you do with me however you please. I was said in my head as his scent was making me hot. “Okay, I’ll go out on a limb here and take your number.” I said slowly making sure not to say what I was thinking at the time. He shook his head and smiled as he was waiting for me to put it in my phone. I could see the lady pointing to her watch as I finished programing his number. “I hate to rush off, but I really gotta go. It was nice seeing you again.” I said as I was walking past him. “You too. Have a good day.” He said as I knew he was watching me strut down the hallway. “Thanks.” I replied not wanting to turn around because I already knew he was staring me down.
Everyone felt my presence as we entered the suite full of lawyers and clerks. I knew right away that the office down the hall was mine considering that it was the biggest one from the others. Before the clerk left, I informed her that I wanted a meeting with all the lawyers in fifteen minutes. She gave me a look like how was she supposed to do that. I waited for her to say something smart as I didn’t have a problem with telling her ass off. I wanted to make sure that everyone was doing their job because I didn’t have time for mistakes. Plus if nothing is done right, then Eric will bring his ass down here and I would just rather not go there with him.
I stood in the board room looking at the clock. It has been over fifteen minutes and not one person was in there. So, if they didn’t want to come to me then I would go to them. But, before I could even reach the doorknob it was opening. “Finally, I think I’ve waited long enough.” I said as I walked to the head of the office table. “Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.” A man voice said. I felt my pressure go up and my blood boil when I looked up and saw my ex fiancé walking in. “Ms. Thomas I’m so sorry. I tried to stop him but he insisted….” I interrupted. “What is your name?” I asked her. “Carmen.” She replied. “Well, Carmen please let everyone know that the meeting will start within the next ten minutes and close the door behind you.” I told her.
“What are you doing here, Zavier?” I asked furiously. “Didn’t Eric tell you that I was coming by? I just got back in town from a doctor’s convention and when I heard you were back, I had to come see you.” He said extending his arms out expecting a hug. “You still didn’t answer my question. Why are you here? I don’t want you here. I didn’t ask for you. I don’t want to ……..” He grabbed and kissed me to keep me from mouthing another word. I pushed him away with force that I didn’t know I had. “I see you still don’t know how to stop talking.” He boasted proudly like he actually just did something. “Zavier, I want you to leave. Now!” I hurriedly showed him to the door. He took a minute walking to it, but he eventually got the picture. I moved back scared he would do it again. “I’ll be seeing you soon, love.” He said while stroking my chin. I slammed the door behind him. I like his nerve to pop back in here like he owns me. I sure hope he don’t think that we are just going to pick up where we left off. It was his lost and not mine. My thoughts were running together I was so angry. Ugh, I don’t think I can afford any more disappointments or surprises today. I picked up the phone and called Stan. “Hey, when I get off we need to go get a drink.” I said while rubbing my forehead as it felt like another headache was coming on. “It’s been one of those days already?” He chuckled. “You have no idea.” I told him. “Cool, meet me on Tone Boulevard. There is a new club called The Vibe that just opened.” I agreed to meet Stan there to relieve some of this tension. The only thing now is to make it through the rest of the day without cracking.
I had one drink in my hand and another one in the other. “Hey, I think you should slow down some.” Stan said as he tried to take a drink from me. “No, I need this. Besides, you were always the one who couldn’t hold their liquor.” I reminded him as I took two shots of Tequila to the head and ordered two more. This was just what I needed to ease my mind from the awful day I had. For some reason, I had a feeling that matters were going to get worse and not better at work. No one liked the thought of a young black woman being the boss. I thought about letting up a bit. But then they would think that I am weak and take it for granted. I needed to stop stressing over that job and enjoy my night. “Aww...that’s my jam.” I said while throwing my hand up in the air. The DJ started to play some Reggae. I don’t know what it was about Reggae, but when it played, you couldn’t help but move. I grabbed Stan to come dance with me before the song ended, but he shook his head no. He told me to go ahead and that he would watch my drink while I danced. I threw the last two shots of Tequila back and gave him the empty glasses. He laughed as I patted my chest to try to relieve the burning sensation. I started putting my hands on my thick hips as I was dirty whining my ass in a seductive way. The song was getting into my body even more as I put my hands on my knees to get low. While I was enjoying myself, I felt hands on my flat stomach which pulled me back. I knew this wasn’t nobody but Stan. I didn’t turn around to check and see if it was him. I just grinded even more sexual to let him know he couldn’t keep up. The hands was holding me tighter as they were keeping up with my hips moving around and around, from side to side. I raised up from the bent position to congratulate him for keeping up with me, but I was very surprised when I turned around to see that it wasn’t Stan. “Keith?” I said with a confused look. “Gorgeous, Kaitlyn?” He tried to act like he was as surprised as I was when I realized that it was him, but I could tell that he wasn’t. “Sorry, I thought you were my friend.” I apologized to him. “Well, as you can see I’m not.” He said smiling. “What? I didn’t tell you my name, did I?” I quizzed him when I realized what he said “Well, no, you didn’t Ms. Thomas, and you know what when I asked people for your name, they had a fear in their eyes. What did you do in order for them to fear you?” Keith asked as we were walking back to the bar. “It’s not me they fear, it’s the last name. Let’s just say that you don’t mess with Eric Thomas and I’ll leave it at that. But, I’m nothing like them.” I told him. “Are you sure? I mean our first encounter was pretty intense. I thought you were gonna jump me?” He said putting his hands up as if were under arrest. “Fuc…..” I paused as I had to catch myself before using the F bomb. “Whatever!” I said in correction. “Nope, that’s not what you really wanted to say.” He said as we both laughed. We continued our conversation as I started looking for Stan. I was pretty sure that he was probably in a corner somewhere with a chick. “Can I buy you a drink?” He asked as I was still looking for Stan. “No, it’s getting late and I have to go to work in the morning.” I told him as I hopped down from the bar stool. “Looking for your boyfriend?” Keith wondered as he noticed that during our entire conversation my eyes where elsewhere. “No, my friend.” I said to correct him. “C’mon, really? You gonna use the “friend” thing?” He said as he looked me up and down as I did to him the other day. “Like I said friend, and what do you mean by that anyway?” I questioned as I folded my arms. “Nothing, I’m just saying that there is no way that a woman as gorgeous as you is single. You can’t be single and if you are single then there are two reason why. One, you’re crazy, or two you’re a lesbian.” He said in a very matter fact tone before he took a sip of his scotch. I ordered two more shots before speaking to Keith because as bad as I wanted to curse him out, I couldn’t. Instead I laughed and told him the reason why I was single. “Well one I am crazy, and two, I am not a lesbian, and three, I was engaged, but that’s something I rather not discuss with a complete stranger.” I told him as I made a beeline towards the door. “We can fix that right now. I’m Keith Palmerson and I have my own traveling agency. I like long walks on the beach and I like to listen to reggae music. Some people say I look like Channing Tatum, but I think I look better. Your turn.” He said to me as he ordered more drinks. I laughed a little as I was listening to him trying to narrate himself in ten seconds. I was kind of impressed by the way he described himself in the minimum time he had. “Well, that’s all nice, but I see my friend.” I said while pointing to the exit. “Ah, man that’s not fair.” He pouted as he turned around to look at Stan. “I tell you what, if we ever run into each other again, we can finish our conversation.” I told him as we hugged. I didn’t know this man, but yet I let him hug me. I knew then that I was drunk off my ass.
Stan told me that he needed to take me home ASAP. I asked him why and he said that Eric was looking for me. “I don’t need him looking for me. I am grown and he is not my real dad. Who does he think he is? He better run Cassandra like that because he sure in hell don’t run nothing over here.” Stan was holding my arm while I was fussing to keep me from falling. “It would have been a lot worse if he would have actually came in.” Stan said as he opened the door for me. “Wait, wait. You mean to tell me that he was actually here? But, how did he..? I paused and remembered that Zavier came back by and asked what I was doing later. So, like an idiot I told him, but it was only to make him jealous. “I need to stay over tonight. I can’t go home like this unless you’re prepared to bail me out of jail.” I demanded of Stan as he started the car. He immediately picked up his phone to inform Eric of where I was gonna be. I couldn’t believe that this man actually came down to the club looking for me. “He said that it would be best if you didn’t and he said that you better be at work tomorrow too.” Stan relayed his message word for word. I rolled my eyes and held up my middle finger since I wasn’t able to speak because I had opened the door to throw up. “Aye, man, you better not throw up in my car and I’m not carrying your ass either.” Stan scolded me as he waited for me to finish. I remained silent after closing Stan’s car door because talking was starting to make my head hurt. Besides, I was still trying to enjoy my night enough I couldn’t hold my liquor.