Читать книгу Blind To The Eye - DeAnna Sanders - Страница 5

Chapter 4


The morning had set in and I wasn’t feeling my best. I pushed myself to get to up and get ready for work because I refused to lose this war to Eric. He’s already won so many battles and it was time for that to stop. “Hey, I laid your bag by the dresser.” Stan said as knocked to let his presence be known. “Thanks.” I told him. I was glad to have a friend like Stan because he took care of me last night, plus he went over to Eric’s to grab me some clean clothes. It’s true that we both sometimes can get on each other nerves, but if one of us is in need, we will always be there no matter what.

I went into the kitchen to get me a big cup of coffee to help with this hangover, but instead my hangover got worst. “What the hell were you thinking last night? You are representing me and it was very irresponsible for you to be getting drunk.” Eric yelled. “Why are they here?” I asked Stan as I saw Cassandra in the hallway. “Kait, they’re just checking on you to make sure that you are okay? You were drinking pretty heavy last night and you can’t mix alcohol with medication.” He said as he tried to touch my shoulder. “I don’t have time for this.” I told them as I moved before Stan could touch my shoulder. “I need you to move so I can get to work.” I shouted at Eric. “I’m not done talking and you need to realize that your actions reflect us. I want you to get it together. Do you understand me?” I was ignoring him the whole entire time. “Eric, stop it. She just went out. There’s nothing wrong with that.” Cassandra said as she placed her hand on his back to get him to calm down. “I don’t think that I was talking to you.” Eric said to her as he moved so she couldn’t touch his back. “Kaitlyn, you’re an adult and the boss at my law firm. I mean it. I’m not playing with you anymore.” Eric said as he was pointing his finger at me. “Glad those days are over….” I said before slamming the door. “What did she mean by that, Eric?” Cassandra asked looking confused. “Nothing babe, I’m sorry I yelled at you. It’s just that I care so much about her even though she not my flesh and blood. I just want her to know that everything we do is for her own good.” Eric said as he was holding Cassandra to get her mind off the last thing that was said. “Thanks for watching her, but I gotta say Stan, you aren’t making smart choices yourself.” Eric sternly voiced his opinion to Stan. “Well, with all due respect, sir, she is a grown woman and she is capable of making her own decisions.” Stan told him as they walked out of the door. “I’m sorry Stan, forgive my husband. He just don’t know how to express his feelings.” Cassandra stated as she hugged Stan goodbye.

While I was still trying to get over this hangover, I asked Carmen to go through my schedule for today. She informed me that I had a meeting with a client in an hour. Yes, finally some action. “Okay, I need the entire file copied. I want the originals to everything and place the copied documents in their file.” I instructed her. “Yes, Ms. Thomas.” She said as she took the files off my desk and exited out of my office. I looked down at my desk to start preparing when I noticed a sealed envelope on my desk with my name on it. Who the hell been in my office without my permission? I sat down to read the contents of the letter. I was pretty sure it was from Zavier; However, I was wrong. The letter stated:

Dear Kait,

I enjoyed our time last night as well as our conversation (wink). The reason for this letter is because you have yet to use my phone number, so I went old fashion and decided to write you. I do hope that I can officially take you out on a date where there is less noise and more decent meals. If you still have my number, feel free to use it any time of day. No matter the hour.

Sincerely Yours,

Keith Palmerson

I immediately smiled as I finished reading the letter. That really made my day because I actually enjoyed Keith’s company yesterday. The only thing to do now is to give him a call and maybe think about going out on a date with him. I closed my eyes for a minute thinking about Keith and what he looks like without any clothes on. “Excuse me, Ms. Thomas your 9:30 is here.” I looked at the clock on my computer assuming that it was correct with the time of 8:30 showing. “They’re an hour early.” I told her. “Yes, I told him that you were busy, but.” I held my hand up as I just wanted Carmen to stop talking. I asked her if she had the paperwork finished she hesitated to respond. I walked pass this short, light skin of a woman who apparently didn’t know how to do her job. I entered the conference room without even knocking first. I didn’t care at this point. I just wanted to know who this person is who thinks that they can just do whatever they feel. When I entered, I saw Zavier standing in front of the window looking down at the street. “Man, this is a lovely view.” He announced. I closed the door and asked him what he was doing here. I informed him that I had a meeting. He shook his head and said that he knew that. “Then, why the hell are you still standing here? Leave!” I basically tried not to scream at him. “Now, yesterday it seemed like you didn’t have any time to talk. So I figured that if I made an appointment, then you would have to talk to me.” He said while motioning for me to sit down with him. “I don’t have time for these games, okay. This is my job. I am at work. If you wanna play, I suggest you go find that bitch who had your attention.” I said as I refused to sit down with him. He was walking over to comfort me as he saw the pain in my eyes when I reminded him of his infidelity. “Kait, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have cheated on you. It was wrong. I don’t have any excuses for what I did, but I’m regretting it every day that I don’t get to wake up next to you.” He was being very apologetic while holding my hands. I wasn’t sure if it was the conversation with Eric this morning or if it was what Zavier was saying, but a tear forced it way out of my right eye. He gently wiped it with is thumb and pulled me close. “You don’t understand how bad you hurt me. You knew that I had issues with trust and yet you did that to me. How could you do that? We were supposed to be married. We were supposed to be happy. I was supposed to be your one and only. You were supposed to be my first. How….” Before I could ask him the question again, he was kissing me. Only this time I welcomed it and returned the favor by massaging his tongue with mine. I felt Zavier hands caressing me slowly on my ass as he grabbed it with one of his hands. Meanwhile, I was rubbing his wavy jet black hair, not wanting him to stop. This passion of heat was interrupted with a knock at the door. “Just a minute.” I said as we were both getting ourselves together. “Come in.” I called out. “Ms. Thomas, Judge Henderson is requesting the presence of a lawyer ASAP.” Carmen said as she peeked her head in. “Okay, send Victor over.” I said as I rubbed my lips together. “Well, Victor was the one who was dismissed from the case because he knew the defendant.” She said as she was now completely in the meeting room. “Tell them I’ll be right over.” I waited for her to close the door before asking him what just happened. He leaned in trying to finish what we started. I pushed him back and told him that this was too much. “We’ll talk about this later.” I told him as I moved my hands in a circle motion letting him know that I was referring to what just happened. “Sure, um, you want me to call you or come by?” He probed. “I’ll call you later. Is your number still the same?” I replied back. “Oh, no I changed it.” He was shaking his head no. “Well, just leave your number with Carmen and I’ll give you a call later.” I said as I left Zavier in the meeting room.

Carmen waited for Kaitlyn to leave before going in the meeting room with Zavier. “What the hell was that?” Carmen asked Zavier. “Shh…….Close the door.” He whispered as he pulled her in hoping no one saw her. “You knew that we were supposed to be married so don’t even go there.” Zavier answered Carmen as she bit her lips in frustration. “Yes, but do you have to be all in her face like that?” She sneered. “If this is going to work, I have to play Mr. Nice guy, okay. And, if that means kissing her, babying her, or sleeping with her, then that’s what I’m going to do.” He professed while comforting Carmen. “Like hell, if you even think about sleeping with her I’m going to tell her everything.” Zavier grabbed his face before putting Carmen into an aggressive choke hold. “Bitch, if you mess this up, I promise you that it will be the last thing you do.” He told her as he had her pinned up against the wall with is hand around her throat. “You hurting me, let go.” She murmured with fear in her watery eyes. “Now, listen give her my number and don’t say a word about this. Understand?” He told her as he shook her neck with his hand still around it letting her know that he meant business. She was silent. “I can’t hear you.” He shook it again. “Yes.” She whimpered. “That’s a good girl, now give daddy some sugar and do what I asked.” He slowly released her from his grip.

I was proud of myself in the courtroom today, you couldn’t tell that I was just released from the mental institution with the way I handled that case. “Carmen, I’m going to lunch. So forward the important calls to my cell phone and send all appointment calls to my office phone. I’ll check it when I get back.” I told her as I was headed out to meet with Stan. “Yes, Ms. Thomas.” I think that she was finally getting the picture. “Did Mr. Price leave a number where he could be reached?” I asked. “Yes, it’s right here. I hope I’m not out of line, but it looks like you two have a history.” I snatched the paper out of her hand. “You’re right. You are out of line.” I scowled before answering my cell phone. “Yo, where you at.” Stan requested my whereabouts. “I work around the corner. You acting like it’s gonna take me a long time to get there.” I told him as I was getting on the elevator. “Well, hurry yo ass up.” I hung up the phone in his face again. He was starting to get worrisome now.

I laughed a little as I passed by my beautician’s beauty shop because that was the same spot where I snapped on Keith. “I’m here.” I said to Stan while entering the restaurant. “Yeah, I can see that now.” He said as he was drinking a beer. “So, is today any better?” He asked. “If seeing Zavier today was considered any better then, no.” I answered back. “Zavier? When did you see him?” Stan was looking concerned now? I told him that he came by the office yet again and I didn’t want to talk about him. “Can we have a nice lunch, please?” I pleaded with Stan as I was motioning for the waitress. “Sure. But, you know I wanna know what was happening between you and that white dude.” Stan insinuated. “Nothing. We were just dancing.” I said as I had finished placing my order with the waitress. Stan was going on and on about how me and Keith were dancing with each other. I wanted him to shut the hell up talking about it because he was getting on my nerves. “Will you just finish ordering your damn food?” I said to him as the waitress was just standing there tapping her pin on her pad. “So, what’s Vanilla Ice’s name?” Stan wondered with a questionable look on his face. I forgot that I didn’t mention his name to Stan. “His name is Keith.” I said staring out the window. “So, like you into white guys now?” He asked curiously as if me and Keith were dating. “Look, I gotta be back in court in three hours, so please, can we just eat?” I informed Stan as the waitress arrived with our food. “Can I get you anything else, sir?” The waitress said as she winked and licked her lips at Stan. “No, sweetie I’m good. Thanks.” Stan blushed. I noticed she was still standing there, so I asked for an extra sauce for my steak. “Oh, no this heffa didn’t.” I exclaimed as she completely ignored me and left our table. Stan thought that it was hilarious, but I didn’t find it funny at all. “Told you that no one can resist Stan the man.” He said as he rubbed his chest at the table. I rolled my eyes and advised him to get over himself because in case he hadn’t noticed, the women that he attracted didn’t have nothing more than a high school education and that can only get you so far.

As we were finishing our lunch I could tell that Stan had something on his mind. “Okay, what is it?” I asked Stan as he was just staring at me and rubbing his chin. “Nothing, I’m just trying to figure out why we never dated.” He replied. “Well when we met Stan, I was only twelve so I don’t think that I knew much about relationships.” I told him as I took a sip of my water. “You know what I mean, smart ass. I’m talking about in high school and after that.” He sarcastically responded as he sat up from his chair. I was trying to figure out in the nicest way to tell Stan that he was a hoe because all I could remember was him with a different girl every time I saw him. “Stan, you were never with the same girl for more than a week. So, why would I put myself in that position?” I asked him as I was getting my things together. “You’re right, but don’t you know that maybe you could have been the woman to change me?” He questioned as he held his heart. “Stan, a woman shouldn’t have to do that. You should want to change for yourself. I gotta go because I see that waitress is eager for me to leave so she can come and serve herself to you.” I gave him the peace sign to let him know I was about to leave. I had thought about dating Stan at one time, but we had gotten so close that I thought that it might have just been weird. We were the best of friends and because I considered him like a brother, I just couldn’t see him as more.

Stan kept motioning for me to sit down as I kept telling him that I had to go. “What now boy?” I was annoyed by this time with him that I plopped down with all my stuff. “Talk to me.” Stan stated. I looked at him like he was crazy trying to figure out what in the hell he was talking about. “I thought that I was since we’ve been here?” I replied back to him with a confused look. “No, I mean tell me about the other night and why were you so upset?” He asked. Stan was always the type of person who never let things go. Even if he saw how uncomfortable it made you, he still wanted to know because he felt like talking always made things better. “Stan, like I told you then it was nothing just leave it alone.” I stated. I could tell that he was getting annoyed with my answers, but I refused to tell him the truth because I knew that he wouldn’t look at me the same. “Alright, but you can’t keep holding that stuff in because what’s gonna happen is that it’s all gonna come out in one big explosion and you’re not gonna know how to handle it.” He informed me. “What are you my psychologist?” I asked since he seemed to know it all. “No, smart ass I’m just telling you what I know.” He mumbled as he was getting up to walk me out. I asked him if he was gonna wait to get the waitress number and he said that she wasn’t his type. “Don’t put up your player card because I’m here.” I laughed. Stan didn’t think it was funny as he shot me the bird and told me to get back to work before Eric fired my ass. I loved Stan with everything in me, but there was just certain things that he didn’t need to know.

Blind To The Eye

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