Читать книгу Food Chemistry - Dennis D. Miller - Страница 10
Preface to the First Edition
Food chemistry is a broad discipline that draws on principles of physical, organic, and biological chemistry. Advances in food chemistry over the past century have had a dramatic impact on our understanding of all aspects of food science and technology and have played a major role in the improvement of the quality, quantity, and availability of the food supply.
This manual is designed for a one‐semester laboratory course in food chemistry. Emphasis is placed on understanding fundamental chemical principles that underlie relationships between the composition of foods and functional, nutritional, and organoleptic properties. In addition, many laboratory techniques that are common in basic and applied research in food chemistry are introduced.
Students should have a background in general, organic, and biochemistry as well as a concurrent lecture course in food chemistry. Each experiment is preceded by an introduction of the principles necessary for understanding and interpreting the data. Students are encouraged to supplement the introductory material by reading selected sections in a comprehensive food chemistry textbook in addition to the references cited at the end of each experiment.
Many students have successfully performed the experiments described in the manual. I have tried diligently to eliminate errors and provide clear instructions for students and instructors. Nevertheless, errors and unclear writing have a way of creeping in. I would appreciate hearing from students and instructors when they find errors.
Dennis D. Miller
Ithaca, New York