Читать книгу Food Chemistry - Dennis D. Miller - Страница 11
This manual is the product of the efforts of many people over a period of more than 40 years. First and foremost, we thank the students at Cornell University who enrolled in the Food Chemistry Laboratory course in the Department of Food Science over the 40 years it was offered as part of the Institute of Food Technologists‐approved curriculum for Food Science majors. Their enthusiasm, lab reports, presentations, questions, and gentle criticisms were an immense help in developing and refining the experiments in the manual. Another group of students who contributed enormously were the graduate and undergraduate teaching assistants who set up the laboratories, assisted students during the lab periods, graded lab reports, and offered suggestions for improving the exercises. In recent years, Aaron Jacobsen, Teaching Support Specialist at Cornell, has worked tirelessly to streamline the lab exercises and identify errors in the procedures. We also thank our colleagues at Cornell and Cal Poly for their comments, suggestions, and continual intellectual stimulation. We thank Drs. Alicia Orta Ramirez and Motoko Mukai who both took their turns in teaching the Food Chemistry Lab course at Cornell. We are especially grateful to Professors John Brady and Chang Lee for their friendship, encouragement, and support. Last but not least, we thank our editors at Wiley for their expert advice and support.