Читать книгу The kingdom order - Dieter Keller - Страница 10


Chapter 4:

The garden of the humanity

Received on 10.21.06

I want to go out to the humanity to prepare a garden. Remain in me, so I will

Love those who love you. Anyone who wants to leave, I will leave the world. Because I do not

Tolerate rude in my Kingdom. So I will go with you, as you love me, until the

You have discovered truth, because I am your God. You are in me, and I will give to you the world

Already make. Remain in me, because I will love you. It is from, because I am sending you angel, to

To guard you. So I will be with you until your reach me you are. So I shall be happy to

I will have mercy which, among the people, want to figure the to me. Because you are there

Value to be delivered. I go with you, until ye have been redeemed. Many will follow me to

To serve me. I will reward all, such as you have earned it. So I will remain with you, in Order to

To help you to master the world. Serves me, and I will redeem you. So, they go

Until you are in my Kingdom. I want you to love me as your beloved, then are ye because for me,

Because I will redeem you want. Large works that humanity will formerly to perform. Because I

Want to they accompany. The garden is large and rich and I want to Order it. This garden will be

Once you are established, as I want it. So I will be with you, until the

Garden is great. I love you, so will be me your mercy. I go into this world in Order to

To deliver you. Because my mercy knows no borders, so I will love you. Go

In this world than the revivified, because I want to give you strength to deal. Goes from and pulls a

In my Kingdom, because I welcome you! So I will stay with you until I will redeem you

Can. I go with you until you are in my Kingdom recruits. So is every turner me welcome.

For I will redeem you. Now, in my Kingdom and I am with you! All

Days of the world remains my Kingdom on earth. And I will send you an angel. It is used

Me, as I liked it, as my sons and daughters of the earth until you are in heaven. Because

Great is your will, like me, and I will give you. In addition, turn ye unto him from me

A in my Kingdom, and ye have arrived with me, so I will welcome you.

I want to love you, until you are in heaven, you will be charged. Now lives and returns from the

Vices, because I want to no doubters in this world full of hope. Returns a with me, and I

Wants to serve you with my words and my confidence that I will give you. I

I will go with you until your by me ye have been redeemed. So are my sons, because he is in this

World in Order to come to serve you. It remains for him, and it will be good to you. Loves

Me, and ye shall be redeemed. So the law and the hope of your father! So

Remain in me, because the world is good to you, so I will be to you has mercifully until your

You are in me. So I love my children. It is a big the world to know, because I love you. So

You will succeed me. So are you because has mercifully to your next until I am with you.

Loves you and commits no sin, and no crime, because ye have debts to me, the

You still have to repay. So, they go and accompanied me in my projects to the world

Modify and from your my Kingdom to make. So I will remain with you. So I will

To give you rescue. My son will be completing my Kingdom. So I will deliver you

In addition, my son krone as a God of humanity. It remains for me because all

Days, because I want to love you. So kneels down because, because I want to bless you for my


The kingdom order

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