Читать книгу The kingdom order - Dieter Keller - Страница 6
I will now tell you how I have the world
Imagine. And ye shall then act like it, you will be told by me in the
Subsequent texts. For I am your God in heaven, and wants your me my
Speeches met. So I love you, because I want to build my Kingdom on your
Obedience. That is why you are my servant on earth. Because this I expect of you, immediately
What faith or religion in each city. That is why my speeches around the world should
Go. And of all people will be taken. So I will do my service to you,
You’re me half. Therefore ye shall hear these speeches, so that you’re in my paradise arrives,
The length is predicted. In this book tells you how to get my Kingdom were built, on
My creditors in these days. So read this book and you will know it and also
Act in this way. It is important to me. Anyone who believes in me will know it. Then ye
My children and perfectly happy time of your life, what I hope you.
Welcome in my Kingdom. Because I am your father in heaven.
Therefore shall ye also, as I say it to you in these speeches. So are you
Welcome to my heaven once after edification my Kingdom. Peace with
You. So are you now with my new book. Because I am your God in the heavens, to
You speaks through my new prophets, I have made in these days. Jesus
Ye shall love and will be with me, and then it will go well with you. The following words speak
I to the Prophet, so that I can redeem the world for you and any
More suffers, but all will be happy with me. Because there is no second father in
Heaven. So this is not a second truth. Therefore ye shall go with me and my
New words are followed. Then shall ye also be redeemed, which is my washed. Then
Can I be good to you and accompany you to paradise. It is my will and my
Her son, Jesus because we will go together with you in my new Kingdom on earth.
So it should be. This is my will. Because I am your father, you
Has created. But I will help you; by you’re my sentences follows. So am I, since me
Love. Together we want to go, because I will accompany you to Jesus your king
Can be. So stay with me, and I wish you good luck, because you will build your
My Kingdom according to my instructions. And so it should happen in my name and
The my son. So you are easier, because I'll deal with you and do not leave you alone.
Because I love you, like no other. That is why ye shall be with me, but by me,
Suffer any damage. So believe me that I have spoken to you in this book
And ye shall be redeemed. This is my will. That is why I am with you, and also my
Sons. So you be blessed for the edification my Kingdom. As you say, my
Subsequent speeches in this book. Mercy is with you and with your soul.
Your father in heaven, he loves you
The new book John the Prophet:
(Org. German: Der Königreichsauftrag, Johannes der Prophet)
Received by the Prophet John
From 10.14.2006 until 11.21.2007 ac