Читать книгу The kingdom order - Dieter Keller - Страница 20
ОглавлениеChapter 14:
My will
Received at 6:11:06
I want to go all the way with you. I want to be with you, so believe me, I you love. For I will stay with you. All will be with me and so you shall my faith! Give so I can make you desire. Now go with me, because I want you the way, show so you're ready! Now go, for I am with you in the beginning. Now you are ready to follow me, because you know what obedience is. So follow me in my desire to meet him. Because you're smart enough to follow a higher being, otherwise you follow always your role models! Now I want to be your highest, because I am the God of the largest world! Because ye shall include, for you are my man, my children, who follow me. So now the others listen to me, do not yet believe, for I will no wall lead, so take me as your God. Regardless of whether you believe or not! For I am not a question of faith, because I am real and not illusory. So will I be your king and rid your king, for you are equal before my eye. It follows my words, spoken by the Prophet, because he is for me the lead humanity now, as I commend him. Since he is obedient and listens to me! Only then does what I want! So you can trust him, what are the words spoken by him. So publish my words and my will is recognizable to all mankind. For they will know what I mean with you! So go with me and I will to show one that you follow me, because the world is improved by for you to a higher life are out and you shall be saved by me! All religions are to mine and even atheists are redeemed by me! What do you think today is not important what you learn by tomorrow me and my Prophet is the only crucial! For I will lead you along and show the only truth that irate: my word! Therefore, my reality more so than that of the God of truth, God Brahma and I lead only to salvation, not the Buddha and atheists can also but by me will be saved. In addition, who does not believe in my son cannot be redeemed be, for salvation is your only goal. Otherwise, you go down and does not come into my heaven or the gods, and enter into hell. And who is my enemy, is destroyed! That you shall know all, so my word will be released, otherwise you do not escape from the devil! So stay with me and I want you on the edge carry over, so you never sets! I want the whole mankind my church is of faithful children, to keep me how to love in a small family you people! Therefore, wins in my mind, to spread my knowledge, what I see in this days published. Then humankind will know no sunset and no Armageddon! Since I do not your world then send in the fall, when you yourself do not destroyed, but right now, you will be my children! It will be all my children, because I will tolerate no contradiction! For all men to be faithful to me! I told you to the deluge left alive, because you are my children and you shall free from sin, not so you fall victim to the devil! The devil has fallen, too, who knows nothing about me or wants to know, and whoever disobeys me, for he will come pick you up at the end of your life and you are getting into hell! So go with me, for tomorrow will be all on the earth believe in me! For my patience, I gave you, and to reverse believing in me and follow me is about to expire! Now go with me and allowed the other is not your disbelief, because it is impatient for you! For in love with you shall I go, so all of my attention. This belief in the rule and not the exception! All can be conquered and then the sky is with you. As I and my angels and lesser gods who love to me! For I am not the deepest, but the supreme God of the world, who made the gods and the angels, as the humans and animals and your plants! Because nothing in the world just happen! Allies made out of my love and wanted by me, everywhere I have personally put his hand, so that everything is created. Even the heavens and the world have I created! With your stars and worlds and moons! To give you a place to live and you are not the only ones I've made! Because the world is full of creatures that I made have. Many stars, where it was worth it. Because I am a hard-working God, and the largest in creator works! In addition, I have many gods’ children who imitate me! My son is the greatest of you, so it is! For it is my will that you go with my son! Because to protect my son to you because I have many more worlds create and obligations, shall you have a protector. My only begotten son Jesus loved! I am the one before the world was before and no one had made the whole world. Otherwise, there would still no world and you too, because the world is neither coincidence nor you. You are my desire I also wanted the world to create out of me! You do not consist of bacteria, such as you may have noticed, and also coming from me. You are my simple nature, to I have studied them well, and create around you. Because I have you by the animals taken, and breathed into my spirit, so that you will like my son, my own image the same! I have loved you, as my children. This keeps you shall and new items be. Because you have your soiled with unbelief and worldliness. Even the church you wanted to keep out of your life belongs to God and says to the church and not in the world. That was probably the will of the devil, imprison me in my house. However, you see, how absurd it is. For I have made the world, so they heard me, my children and you also! Because you belong to the world and I have made you, like me, the animals and the plants did. By exploring the building blocks of life, and they've done to you have all put together. You shall not alter my building blocks of life, for it is my work and it is hard to beat, because I am not the architect of life, you! Every life that changed your fall back together, because life is not so! And I also do not allow it. Because you have so creates disease, you do not know. Because they do not belong to my life, it could destroy you! In addition, you shall present your respect my creative work and possibly make everything as natural as I've done it! Because my work is not to exceed, for I am the one of whom comes every life, even yours! So I am familiar with the life and the only one but also you cannot draw, but only foreign works that had managed to destroy and destroy, also are attempts to live in my wicked sense because your torments without regard to the essence. I also do not allow it! You may also sun no creature, nor yourself lei the cause or make it sick! Then you will be healthier and I can tell you immortal do when you are the last to let! We will go together, because the life presents many pitfalls. So you go with me and nothing will happen, so stay in my house because there may not be the devil! Who lives in my house, living the life, I want it, that you shall be. Just as there is good and pure for you and also free of sin! Who I was at his side, which is guided to the target, as the horses to drink! The Only goal of every human being is to be like my son Jesus so you mean children will, so learn from my son, because the bible says much of the work and words of my son! So she studied relentlessly, because it also contains my words to you who still have their validity! So you and you will like my beloved son, Jesus Lives his life as Jesus has shown the way. Because that was his job, you every case in point. The only example of how a man should be, there is a second not! So learn this now, because that is your only legacy, for it has erased the old original sin your new and was only heritage! Two thousand years did Jesus' name to the earth. Now I expect you all to learn how to be Jesus in those days! In Jesus' kindness and forgiveness, in Jesus' love and progress, and in Jesus' faith and knowledge of me and in Jesus' purity you should walk on today. Sun reports it over the whole of humanity, this is my will ye now and take as your will, your wanting nothing else but only indignation! So common my new words, spoken by my faithful prophets and now let Jesus work in you, for my son, Jesus wants to transform you! Just as the sacred spirit transforms your being in the nature of Jesus! Just as my son Jesus to me then, wanted to serve as self-evident. You shall to me, as a matter of course, serve. Without to doubt or question. Will clear out your doubts and serves me and heard my son. Because he wants to keep you and operate in good words, so take these rich gifts the wisdom and love. Because they are preparing for you, it is my will and my skill for you. In Order for you soon have a will that I like and your beautiful nature going, which I will call my children! I want my church on earth and they should be as large as the entire human race united in peace and my will and all man must be so! Such is my will!