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Chapter 6:

The way of the humanity

Received on 10.24.06

I will, that humanity is taking the route that I have chosen for you. I am preparing

For a new way to go before you go. So remain in me, because I will go with you.

I will come to you. So I will come to you. So, they go, because I will

Since his. The path will be that Jesus shall reign over you. So I want that your rules

You will of me and my head. This is because from and let Jesus dominate.

It is my will. Jesus is your king and it will be from the heaven over you thrones.

I will be through the Prophet prevailing, there is my will. So I will that you do what the

Prophet will say, because he speaks my word. And ye shall be redeemed. So you have your

Do what I want, or else you will not be in my Kingdom. It is my will. Your

You will follow and the earth will not be dominated, but free from oppression

In addition, violence, and the suffering will disappear. So is my government, so it will be and

Otherwise, you may not be otherwise you would pass away. I will remain with you, because I want

To my wings over you. So I will rule over you and remain with you.

Because the Prophet to know. So I will prevail! Who the prophets to near

Come, and I will not be charged into the Kingdom of heaven, but the devil know and in the

Brought hell! From there, he will not be levied in the humanity. This would happen all,

The against the prophets are, because it comes from me, and I have raised him. So I will

I come to you and bless you all. Because the new government is wonderful for

You. Finally you will need no longer suffer, because I am the only one who ever governance

You can, so that it will be good for you. Because my time has come, because the people are

Now wise enough to do so and will realize, from me to govern. Because your

Will ye not more suffering. Now comes from and follow me, because I don't need young, to the government

Part. The Prophet immediately follow and aligning, what the

Prophet has said. What are my will and my word. So that the governments understand it

And consequences will be. This is to be published in the press. So, they go and

You are my, provided that you want into the Kingdom of heaven. Otherwise do on the earth, which

My laws are. In Order to keep your followed, otherwise I can you not free to deal. Because then

There will be prohibitions to deal, you need to comply with, since I do not want to lose all. Then it

Was more forced to deal with you to deliver them. So keep you prefer an equal! A simple sin

The past can I still have forgiven, as long as your still to save you. So I am the

Merciful. I want to go with Jesus all days, so it is with Jesus, and ye in me

His. I love you, and I will redeem you. Doing so, as I say to you. I will give you

The prophets soon send him and known to deal, so that you recognize him. This is because from

And it is with me, until you have been with me in my Kingdom reached and you are! The book of

The Prophet will publish, so is my will and my nature. There was, until I know who the Prophet

It will be with Jesus, is your and my will, until you are from the Prophet hearing in the press!

Then, follow my words of the Prophet faithfully reproduced without ceasing, until my government

Is perfect! This is because from and you are my will, because I will soon governance. Ye shall

Follow me, until I am with you and me not to leave, so we will soon be a strong

Government and reign in the world, as long as your listens to me, spoken by the

Prophets. I go to you, as long as the law of the world and follow me. Thus, you will be

You have to go, otherwise ye shall perish. Now it is on and you are in me, because I will give you

Comfort. Because many were sad, that I was not there where you were in distress. But now I am

With you, if ye with me you are and it will give better times. Then shall ye be thinking: “the

Mr., the in the heaven, unconcerned governance will be on us, and through the prophets speak”. So

It is now my way on the earth, until I am with you. Go, because I am with you.

All religions and all people are my and I love you all, so all my children

And also be so life as I want, so I will prevail. So I will govern and so wants to

I come upon them. In my name shall ye live and to be baptized, such as Christianity

So it should be and how it should happen. This applies to all religions and for all people.

It is my desire to be and so I will love you, until you have been with me! This is because from

In addition, he loves me, and be ye in prayer with me, because I want to listen to your worries me. So I

You can help. So I will serve you, so that you love me. And ye are my children

And I will be a father to you. So are my set and my will. It remains to me until I

You can redeem, because I am your God. In this sense lives, so I can have dominion over

All the people. This is the new at this time and this will be your way, so finds him until

You come to me. In addition, it remains on my new path, otherwise I will not redeem you

And ye are lost. The Kingdom and ye would not take place for your

Good luck deceived, so obey me now and you will experience your redemption soon. So I will

It of all human beings, without exception. So that your happy you will. Because I want to love you,

So lives as I expect it from people and you are honest. Because I do not like crooks.

Because of the way, to me, and I am with you, until your has come to me you are. So lives

Because honestly, until I will redeem you can. I am with you and conquer with my son. So

Because you are with me, till I can reign over you in my Kingdom. So I will

Come to you! I will be with you all days and bless you! Because I am your


The kingdom order

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