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1) Ediciones, traducciones y comentarios de Diodoro de Sicilia (libros XVIII-XX)

W. L. ADAMS, «Cassander an the crossing of the Hellespont: Diodorus 17.17.4», Ancient World 2 (1984), 111-115.

I. ACHILI, II Proemio del Libro 20 della «Biblioteca Storica» di Diodoro Siculo, Lanciano, 2012.

D. AMBAGLIO, La Biblioteca storica di Diodoro Siculo: problemi e metodo, Como, 1995.

— (ed.), Atti del Convegno Epitomati ed epitomatoti. Il crocevia di Diodoro Siculo. Pavia, 21–22 aprile 2004, Como, 2005.

E. M. ANSON, «Diodorus and the Date of Triparadeisus», The American Journal of Philology 107 (1986), 208-217.

F. BIZIÈRE, Diodore de Sicile, Bibliothèque historique. Livre XIX, París, 1975.

C. BOTTIN, «Les sources de Diodore de Sicile pour l’histoire de Pyrrhus, des successeurs d’Alexandre le Grand et d’Agathocle», Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire 7 (1928), 1.307-1.327.

L. CANFORA, The Vanished Library. A Wonder of the Ancient World, Berkeley-Los Ángeles, 1990. [Hay trad. cast.: La biblioteca desaparecida, Gijón, 1998.]

A. H. DEVINE, «Diodorus’ Account of the Battle of Gaza», Acta Classica 27 (1984), 31-40.

—, «Diodorus account of the Battle of Paraitacene (317 B. C.)», Ancient World 12 (1985), 75-86.

—, «Diodorus account of the Battle of Gabene», Ancient World 12 (1985), 87-96.

R. DREWS, «Diodorus and His Sources», The American Journal of Philology 83 (1962), 383-392.

R. M. ERRINGTON, «Diodorus Siculus and the Chronology of the Early Diadochoi, 320-311 B. C», Hermes 105 (1977), 478-504.

R. M. GEER, Library of History in twelve volumes. Vol. 9: Books XVIII and XIX 1-65 (Loeb Classical Library, 377), Cambridge (MA), 1947.

—, Library of History in twelve volumes. Vol. 10:Books XIX.66-XXV (Loeb Classical Library, 390), Cambridge (MA), 1954.

M. J. GELLER, «Babylonian Astronomical Diaries and Corrections of Diodorus», Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 53 (1990), 1-7.

P. GOUKOWSKY, Diodore de Sicile, Bibliothèque historique. Livre XVIII, París, 1975.

P. GREEN, Diodorus Siculus. Books 11-12.37.1. Greek History, 480-431 BC. The Alternative version, Austin, 2006.

—, Diodorus Siculus, The Persian Wars to the Fall of Athens: Books 11-14.34 (480-401 BCE), Austin, 2010.

F. LANDUCCI GATTINONI, Diodoro Siculo. Biblioteca storica. Libro XVIII. Commento storico, Milán, 2008.

—, «Cassander’s Wife and the Legacy of Phillip II and Alexander III in Diodorus’ Library» en E. CARNEY, D. OGDEN (eds.), Philip II and Alexander the Great: Father and Son, Lives and Afterlives, Nueva York-Oxford (2010), 113-121.

J. LENS TUERO, Estudios sobre Diodoro de Sicilia, Granada, 1994.

P. MACKEKCNIE, «Diodorus Siculus and Hephaestion’s Pyre», Classical Quartely 45 (1995), 418-432.

J. MCDOUGALL, Lexicon in Diodorum Siculum, 2. vols., Hildesheim, 1983.

I. L. MERKER, «Diodorus Siculus and Hieronymus of Cardia», Ancient History Bulletin 2 (1988), 90-93.

D. P. ORSI, I. LABRIOLA y P. MARTINO, Diodoro Siculo Biblioteca storica. Libri XVI-XX, Palermo, 1993.

F. PARREU ALASÁ, Diodoro de Sicilia. Biblioteca Histórica Libros I-III (BCG 294), Madrid, 2001.

C. RUBICAM, «The organization and composition of Diodorus’ Bibliotheke», Classical Views / Échos du Monde Classique 31 (1987), 313-328.

K. S. SACKS, «The Lesser proemia of Diodorus Siculus», Hermes 110 (1982), 434-442.

R. H. SIMPSON, «A Possible case of Misrepresentation in Diodorus XIX», Historia 6 (1957), 504-505.

—, «Abbreviation of Hieronymus in Diodorus», American Journal of Philology 80 (1959), 370-379.

L. C. SMITH, «The Chronology of Books XVIII-XX of Diodorus Siculus», American Journal of Philology 82 (1961), 283-290.

O. VEH, G. WIRTH, M. RATHMANN, Diodoros: Griechische Weltgeschichte Buch XVIII-XX Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur; vols. 63 A (introducción y traducción) y 63 B (comentario). Stuttgart, 2005.

J. WALSH, «Historical Method and a Chronological Problem in Diodorus, Book 18» en P. WHEATLEY y, R. HANNAH, Alexander & His Successors: Essays from the Antipodes, Claremont (CA), 2009, 72-87.

2) Monografías sobre los diádocos y la época helenística

E. M. ANSON, Eumenes of Cardia. A Greek among Macedonians, Boston-Leiden, 2004.

Z. H. ARCHIBALD, The Odrysian Kingdom of Thrace: Orpheus Unmasked (Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology), Oxford, 1998.

M. M. AUSTIN, The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman conquest. A selection of ancient sources in translation, Cambridge (MA), 2006 (2.a edición aumentada).

R. S. BAGNALL, P. DEROW, The Hellenistic Period. Historical Sources in Translation, Maiden (MA), 2004.

CH. A. BARON, Timaeus of Tauromenium and Hellenistic Historiography, Cambridge, 2013.

C. BEARZOT, Focione tra storia e trasfigurazione ideale, Milán, 1985.

H. BENGTSON, Die Diadochen. Die Nachfolger Alexanders des Grossen (323–281 v. Chr.), Múnich, 1987.

R. BERTHOLD, Rhodes in the Hellenistic Age, Ithaca, 1984.

R. A. BILLOWS, ANTÍGONOs the One-Eyed and the Creation of the Hellenistic State, Berkeley-Los Ángeles-Oxford, 1997.

A. B. BOSWORTH, The Legacy of Alexander. Politics, Warfare, and Propaganda under the Successors, Oxford, 2002.

P. BRIANT, Antigone le Borgne, París, 1973.

T. S. BROWN, Timaeus of Tauromenium, Berkeley, 1958.

S. M. BURSTEIN, The Hellenistic Age from the Battle of Ipsos to the Death of Kleopatra VII, Cambridge, 1985.

E. CARNEY, Olympias. Mother of Alexander the Great, Londres-Nueva York, 2006.

L. CAPDETREY, Le pouvoir séleucide. Territoire, administration, finances d’un royaume hellénistique (312-129 avant J. C.), Rennes, 2007.

CH. A. CAROLI, Ptolemaios I. Soter – Herrscher zweier Kulturen, Constanza, 2007.

J. C. CHIRINOS, La reina de los cuatro nombres: Olimpia, madre de Alejandro Magno, Madrid, 2005.

GL. DOWNEY, Ancient Antioch, Princeton, 1963.

W. E. ELLIS, Ptolemy of Egypt, Londres-Nueva York, 1994.

M. J. FONTANA, Le Lotte per la successione di Alessandro Magno dal 323 al 315, Palermo, 1960.

P. M. FRASER, Ptolemaic Alexandria, Oxford, 1972.

J. FRÖSÉN (ed.), Early Hellenistic Athens: Symptom of a Change, Helsinki-Atenas, 1997.

J. D. GRAINGER, Seleukos Nikator: Constructing a Hellenistic Kingdom, Londres-Nueva York, 1990.

P. GREEN, Alexander to Actium, Berkeley, 1990.

CH. HABICHT, Athens from Alexander to Antony. Cambridge (MA), 1997.

—. The Hellenistic Monarchies, Selected Papers, Ann Arbor, 2006.

PH. HARDING, From the End of the Peloponnesian War to the Battle of Ipsos, Cambridge, 1985.

W. HECKEL, The marshals of Alexander’s empire, Londres-Nueva York, 1992.

—, Who’s who in the Age of Alexander the Great. Prosopography of Alexander’s Empire, Malden (MA), 2006.

F. HOLT, Alexander the Great and Bactria: the Formation of a Greek Frontier in Central Asia (Mnemosyne Suppl. 104.), Leiden-Nueva York, 1988.

—, Thundering Zeus: the Making of Hellenistic Bactria, Berkeley, 1999.

J. HORNBLOWER, Hieronymus of Cardia, Oxford, 1981.

R. B. KEBRIC, In the Shadow of Macedon: Duris of Samos, Wiesbaden, 1977.

CH. KONDOLEON, Antioch: The Lost Ancient City, Princeton, 2000.

F. LANDUCCI GATTINONI, Lisímaco di Tracia nella prospettiva del primo ellenismo, Milán, 1992.

—, Duride di Samo, Roma, 1997.

—, L’arte del potere. Vita e opere di Cassandro di Macedonia, Stuttgart, 2003.

H. S. LUND, Lysimachus. A Study in early Hellenistic kingship, Londres-Nueva York, 1992.

R. MACLEOD (ed.), The Library of Alexandria. Centre of Learning in the Ancient World, Nueva York-Londres, 2004 (2.a edición).

J. G. MANNING, The Last of the Pharaohs. Egypt Under the Ptolemies (305-30 BC), Princeton-Oxford, 2010.

A. MEHL, Seleukos Nikator und sein Reich, Lovaina, 1986.

C. MIRALLES, El helenismo: épocas helenística y romana de la cultura griega, Barcelona, 1989 (2.a edición).

A. MOMIGLIANO, Alien Wisdom. The Limits of Hellenization, Cambridge, 1975.

O. MÜLLER, Antigonos Monophthalmos und «Das Jahr der Könige». Untersuchungen zur Begründung der hellenistischen Monarchien 306-304 v. Chr., Saarbrücken, 1972.

D. OGDEN, Polygamy, prostitutes and death. The Hellenistic dynasties, Londres, 1999.

G. J. OLIVER, War Food and Politics in Early Hellenistic Athens, Oxford, 2007.

L. O’SULLIVAN, The Regime of Demetrius of Phalerum in Athens, 317-307 BCE. A Philosopher in politics, Leiden, 2009.

G. PRÉAUX, Le monde hellénistique. La Grèce et l’Orient de la mort d’Alexandre à la conquête romaine de la Grèce (2 vols.), París, 1978.

M. RATHMANN, Perdikkas zwischen 323 und 320, Viena, 2005.

J. ROMM, Ghost on the throne: the death of Alexander the Great and the war for crown and empire, Nueva York-Toronto, 2011.

CH. SCHÄFER, Eumenes von Kardia und der Kampf um die Macht im Alexanderreich (= Frankfurter Althistorische Beiträge, Band 9). Frankfurt, 2002.

O. SCHMITT, Der Lamische Krieg, Bonn, 1992.

J. SEIBERT, Das Zeitalter der Diadochen, Darmstadt, 1983.

S. SHERWIN-WHITE, A. KUHRT, From Samarkhand to Sardis, Berkeley, 1993.

GR. SHIPLEY, El mundo griego después de Alejandro. 323-30 a. C. Barcelona, 2001.

L. TRITLE, Phocion the Good, Nueva York, 1988.

F. W. WALBANK, A. E. ASTIN, M. W. FREDERIKSEN (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History. 2nd edition, Vol. VII, Part 1. The Hellenistic World, Cambridge, 1984. [Hay trad, cast.: El mundo helenístico, Madrid, 2012.]

R. WATERFIELD, Dividing the Spoils. The War for Alexander the Great’s Empire, Oxford, 2011. [Hay trad. cast.: La guerra por el imperio de Alejandro Magno, Madrid, 2012.]

CL. WEHRLI, Antigone et Démétrios, Ginebra, 1968.

Biblioteca histórica. Libros XVIII-XX

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