Читать книгу Building Bridges - Don Parker - Страница 7



By Robert Jackson

I have been involved in education in some capacity since 1995. I have authored five books for educators, parents, and students, and I speak across the United States at educational conferences and schools. I understand the importance of building positive relationships with students and how these are key to educators’ success with their students in the classroom. Many educators are lacking in this area, causing our students, especially those coming from tough circumstances, to continue to fail miserably.

Don Parker knows something about building strong, healthy relationships with students. He has successfully done so as a teacher, school administrator, and principal in Chicago and its surrounding suburbs since 1997. His research and experience have led him to write this book.

Statistics are stacked against troubled students, especially students of color, who researchers predict will be incarcerated at alarming numbers. In 2011–2012, about 3.2 million public school students received out-of-school suspensions (National Center for Education Statistics, 2017a). Suspensions and trouble at school can lead to students’ first contact with the criminal justice system. Schools are actually pushing students into the juvenile justice system by having them arrested at school.

Research finds that students who have been suspended are more likely to be held back a grade and drop out of school entirely (Nelson & Lind, 2015). Of students who drop out, 60 percent will be incarcerated at some point. If educators simply take a highly organized approach to keeping students in school, it will make a difference in future crime statistics (Lynch, 2015). Dr. Parker and I are disturbed by these statistics and work tirelessly to create more of a positive destiny for students at risk. Every student is one caring adult away from being a success story.

Each chapter of his book gives strategies and solutions to educators who are working with students who come from troubling backgrounds. You can’t teach who you can’t reach. Connecting with students is key to the success of any educator, and this book gives clear strategies of how to connect with troubled students. Students learn from their home environments and school environments. We can’t control what happens at home, but we can teach life skills to our students to help them navigate through school.

Many students come in daily hurting with low self-esteem and no hope for the future. It’s our job as educators to teach students how to activate their power. In this book, Dr. Parker gives strategies for effectively managing the classroom, getting to the root of the problem with students, teaching students how to grow academically, and helping students envision hope for their future. With his background and research, Dr. Parker clearly has relevant experience in this area. Every chapter provides thought-provoking strategies that educators and administrators can use right away.

Our mission as educators should never change from educating, activating, and motivating all students despite their backgrounds. Everywhere, educators are struggling in this area, which in turn causes our students to fail. I’m excited about Dr. Parker’s book because it addresses all the topics that many educators struggle with. Our children are our future and deserve our best. I’m excited that he has shared his successful strategies and solutions with others. You are going to enjoy this book!

Building Bridges

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