Читать книгу Exercises for the Jaw to Shoulder - Release Your Kinetic Chain - Dr. Brian James Abelson DC. - Страница 15

Principle 2: Good Tissue Quality = Good Performance


In sports performance, the quality of your soft tissue is a key element that cannot be ignored. When you improve the quality of your tissue (no restrictions, adhesions, or tightness) then you will reap the rewards of faster recovery, increased speed, improved range of motion, more strength, reduced injuries, and improved performance.

As we discussed in Principle 2: Develop your Power - page 4, your muscles are like rubber bands. When there are no knots (restrictions) in them you can easily store and release your energy. This directly translates into improved performance. This is why soft tissue techniques such as Active Release Techniques have helped take Olympic athletes to gold medal status. These types of techniques improve the overall quality of your soft tissues.

Bottom line: When you ignore the quality and state of your soft tissues, then you are taking the path of diminished performance! So, if you have restrictions and tight spots that are not resolved by exercising, then take the time to work these restrictions out by using our myofascial techniques (foam rollers, tennis balls, self-massage) or see a skilled soft tissue practitioner for help in restoring your soft tissue quality. See Alternative Therapies to Explore - page 195 for more information.

Exercises for the Jaw to Shoulder - Release Your Kinetic Chain

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