Читать книгу Sex For Dummies - Pierre Lehu A., Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer - Страница 29
Are You Ready to Get Busy?
ОглавлениеIn a classic episode of Seinfeld, Elaine had a limited supply of the contraceptive sponge (the method of contraception she preferred but the production of which had stopped) and therefore had to decide whether or not a potential partner was “sponge worthy,” that is to say worthy of using one of her precious sponges to have sex with him. So how do you decide whether someone you’re considering having sex with is worthy of doing the deed with you? Here are some possible questions you may ask yourself. There are no right or wrong answers here, but if the overall tone of your answers skews toward the negative, then my advice is not to hop into bed with this person, at least not until you get to know this person a bit better.
What parts of me does this person activate? My head? My heart? My loins? Two out of three? One out of three?
Will I want to keep the lights off, so this person doesn’t see the parts of me I don’t like, or on, so I can see all of this other person?
I could use a shower. Will this person care? After getting undressed, will I care?
Where do I see us as a couple one month from now? Six months from now? Ten years from now?
If neither one of us has an orgasm, will I ever want to see this person again?
What will I think about myself in the morning?