Читать книгу Sex For Dummies - Pierre Lehu A., Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer - Страница 31

Tuning the Male Organ



Understanding how the penis works

Differentiating size from sexual performance

Examining the question of circumcision

Hanging out with the testicles

Following the sperm on its incredible journey

Checking for testicular cancer

For a man, the penis is the star of the show in the bedroom (or in the living room, on the kitchen floor, or even in the aisles, as long as the theater is empty!). But as with any star, what you see on-screen is only the final performance. Lots of other factors go into preparing for each scene. In this chapter, you’ll get the behind-the-scenes tour of the male anatomy and meet such important “extras” as the glands, tissues, and organs that allow the penis to stand tall and proud when the director yells, “Action!”

Sex For Dummies

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