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If I were there with you right now, I’d give you a great big hug. Nothing weird. Just a full-on, unconditional love hug. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m “the Hug Doctor” and the founder of “Hug Therapy.” This book was written to be my hug to you. It’s also a personal invitation from me to you…to embrace yourself, your life, and everyone around you in a whole new way.

Can you remember the last time someone gave you an all-encompassing hug like the one I just described? A boundless embrace with endless vibrations of gratitude and support that’s so overpowering it squeezes every ounce of fear, worry, and negativity out of your spirit—leaving you with nothing but warmth, inner peace, and a feeling of connection?

Hug Therapy will make you feel like that, but it isn’t just a “feel good” book. It’s also a “do good” book that will help you live more in the moment and stay more tuned in with the things that matter to you most. You already know that the key to happiness isn’t cramming more activities into your already busy life. It’s about having the insight and vision to know what really matters to you, and being brave enough to take action in those areas.

This journey is a marathon, not a sprint, so it might not be easy or happen overnight, but it is simple, and anyone can do it.

Now you might be saying, “I’m not a hugger, and I’m not into all this touchy-feely shit.” I hear you loud and clear, and appreciate you saying what you really think and feel (more about the value of expressing yourself directly later in the book). I strongly encourage you to keep reading. Not only because I’m selling this book for money, but seriously, because hugs come in many shapes and sizes, and hugging speaks to much more than a physical hug. Living in “the space of a hug” means being more accepting of yourself and everyone else; allowing you to be more appreciative of all life has to offer. You can do this without any physical hugging. And consider, that maybe, just maybe, you will feel very differently about physical hugging as the book unfolds.

Although giving and receiving physical hugs is part of the 21-Day “Hugging Journey™,” Hug Therapy is so much more.

My 21-day hugging journeys have pushed me out of my comfort zone, deepened my connections, and super charged my passion for life. I couldn’t be more excited for you to join me and experience the journey for yourself. I believe that as more and more people are inspired to go on hugging journeys, the energy and momentum of Hug Therapy will increase exponentially.

Hug Therapy can have a remarkable impact on any domain of our lives. Too often in life, we are on a path that has been worn so deeply that we feel sick, bored, or trapped. Even when we are excited about what we have achieved in one domain, we often struggle, wondering what else is out there. Sometimes in certain areas of life, we are firing on all cylinders, while in others, we feel lost. Some people have achieved financial success, and yet, feel trapped in an unhealthy relationship. Others may be in a beautiful relationship and no longer find meaning in other parts of life. The Hugging Journey allows you to look hard and assess what is working, what is not working, and then choose to take bold “hugging steps,” allowing you to live more fully.

Hug Therapy

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