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Editors’ Acknowledgments


We wish to thank the many people who helped make this project possible, especially our series editors David Kazanjian, Elizabeth McHenry, and Priscilla Wald, as well as Eric Zinner, Ciara McLaughlin, Alicia Nadkarni, and the editorial team at NYU Press. We would also like to extend our thanks to Deborah Jenson and the members of Duke University’s Haiti Lab, who gave us the opportunity to discuss early Haitian literature with an incredible group of scholars. Thanks go, too, to Laurent Dubois, Jacques Pierre, Floyd Cheung, Larry Rosenwald, and Sean Moore. The publication of this book would not have been possible without the subvention support generously provided by Smith College. For this, we are very grateful. We must also thank Cybelle McFadden, who orchestrated the serendipitous meeting at the Atlantic World Research Network in Greensboro, North Carolina, that gave life to this project. Finally, this work would certainly not exist without the faithful and loving support of our friends and family, including Colleen Woods and the extended Mucher and Struewing families, Nancy Wilson, Elizabeth Wilson, Brian McDonald, Cord Whitaker, and our brand new stella maris, London Olivia Grace.


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