Читать книгу A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ - Emil Schürer - Страница 12
ОглавлениеA rich abundance of coins, which is being constantly increased by new discoveries, is helpful in illustrating: 1. The History of the Seleucidae; 2. The History of the Phoenician and Hellenistic cities; 3. The Jewish History. The Jewish Numismatics in particular has been developed with special zeal since A.D. 1854, when De Saulcy’s Recherches sur la Numismatique judaïque appeared.
1. Seleucid Coins
GOUGH, Coins of the Seleucidae, Kings of Syria; from the establishment of their reign under Seleucue Nicator to the termination of it under Antiochus Asiaticus. With historical memoirs of each reign. Illustrated with twenty-four plates of coins, from the cabinet of the late Matthew Duane. London 1803.
GARDNER, Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. The Seleucid Kings of Syria. With twenty-eight plates. London 1878.—Rich in material, and extremely serviceable. The twenty-eight plates give good photographs, with coin, portraits of the successive Seleucid kings.
BUNBURY, Rare and unpublished Coins of the Seleucidan Kings of Syria. In the Numismatic Chronicle, 1883, pp. 65–107.
HEAD, Historia numorum, a Manual of Greek Numismatics, London 1887, pp. 637–649.
ECKHEL, Doctrina numorum veterum, t. iii. (1794) pp. 209–249.—The classical work on the subject.
MIONNET, Description des médailles antiques, t. v. (1811) pp. 1–109. Supplément, t. viii. (1837) pp. 1–81.—The classical work on the subject.
TRÉSOR, de numismatique et de glyptique (edited under the direction of Lenormant), Numismatique des rois grecs, Paris 1849, pp. 83–114, planches xxxiv.–lv. (folio).
DE SAULCY, Mémoire sur les monnaies datées des Séleucides. Paris 1871 (publication de la Société française de Numismatique et d’archéologie).
DE SAULCY, Monnaies des Séleucides munies de contremarques (Mélanges de Numismatique, t. i. 1875, pp. 45–64).
DE SAULCY, Monnaies inédites de Tryphon, frappées dans les villes maritimes de la Phénicie (Mélanges de Numismatique, t. ii. 1877, pp. 76–84).
FRIEDLÄNDER and SALLET, Das königliche Münzkabinet [at Berlin]. Geschichte und Uebersicht der Sammlung nebst erklärender Beschreibung der auf Schautischen ausgelegten Auswahl (2 Aufl. 1877), pp. 122–131.
FRIEDLÄNDER in Sallet’s Zeitschr. für Numismatik, vi. 1879, p. 7; vii. 1880, pp. 224–227.—On coins of Antiochus VIII. and IX.
IMHOOF-BLUMER, Monnaies grecques (in Verhandelingen der koninkl. Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Letterkunde, veertiende deel, Amsterdam 1883), pp. 422–438.
IMHOOF-BLUMER, Porträtköpfe auf antiken Münzen hellenischer und hellenisirter Völker, Leipzig 1885, pp. 28–32, Tafel iii. n. 8–28; iv. n. 1–13 (admirable photographs).
2. Coins of the Free Cities
a. Phoenician
HEAD, Coinage of Lydia and Persia. In the International Numismata Orientalia. London 1878. At p. 31 ff., Phoenician coins with figures of Persian kings.
SIX, Observations sur les monnaies phéniciennes. In Numismatic Chronicle, 1877, pp. 177–241.—The most complete treatise on the subject.
BRANDIS, Das Münz-, Maass- und Gewichtswesen in Vorderasien. Berlin 1866.
REICHARDT, Beiträge zur phönischen Numismatik (Wiener Numismat. Zeitschrift, ii. 1870, pp. 1–16).
IMHOOF-BLUMER, Monnaies grecques, 1883, pp. 440–449.
L. MÜLLER, Numismatique d’Alexandre le Grand. Copenhagen 1855.—The bilingual coins of Alexander form the transition from the Phoenician to the Greek. On the Alexander coins of Akko, in Div. ii. vol. i. p. 91.
b. Greek and Roman
REICHARDT, Unpublished Greek Imperial Coins. In Numismatic Chronicle, 1862, pp. 104–122.
HEAD, Historia numorum, London 1887, pp. 662–681.
ECKHEL, Doctrina numorum veterum, iii. pp. 328–445.
HUBER, Unedirte Bronzemünze in Tiberias Galilaeae unter Commodus geprägt (Wiener Numismat. Zeitschr., Bd. i. 1869, pp. 401–414).
MIONNET, Description des médailles antiques, v. 281–552. Supplément, viii. 192–377.
DE SAULCY, Numismatique de la Terre Sainte, Description des monnaies autonomes et impériales de la Palestine et de l’Arabie Pétrée. Paris 1874.
3. Jewish Coins
The more recent literature, since A.D. 1849, is enumerated by Madden in Numismatic Chronicle, 1876, pp. 222–234; and in Coins of the Jews, pp. 317–324.
a. Comprehensive Treatises
MADDEN, Coins of the Jews. London 1881.—Now the classical work on Jewish Numismatics. We have here an earlier work: History of Jewish Coinage of money in the Old and New Testament, London 1864, rewritten, with all more recently discovered material incorporated, including various papers exhibited to the Numismatic Chronicle, 1874, 1875, 1876.
ECKHEL, Doctrina numorum veterum, iii. 445–498.
LEVY, Geschichte der jüdischen Münzen. Leipzig 1862.
MERZBACHER, Untersuchungen über althebräische Münzen (Sallet’s Zeitschr. für Numismatik, iii. 1876, pp. 183–215; iv. 1877, pp. 350–365; v. 1878, pp. 151–176, 292–319).
MIONNET, Description des médailles antiques, v. 552–576. Supplément, viii. 377–381.
TRÉSOR, De numismatique et de glyptique (edited under the direction of Lenormant), Numismatique des rois grecs, Paris 1849, pp. 118–130, planches lvii.–lxii.
CAVEDONI, Biblische Numismatik oder Erklärung der in heil. Schrift erwähnten alten Münzen. From Italian. 2 Thl. Hannover 1855, 1856.
DE SAULCY, Catalogue raisonné de Monnaies Judaïques recueillies à Jérusalem en Novembre 1869 (Numismatic Chronicle, 1871, pp. 235–255).
DE SAULCY, Recherches sur la Numismatique judaïque. Paris 1854.—Contributes a large abundance of new material.
b. Shorter Treatises on Matters of Detail
REICHARDT, Inedited Coins of Judea, in Numismatic Chronicle, 1862, pp. 268–277.—Also: Remarks on some Jewish coins and some inedited coins of Phoenicia, Judea, etc., in Numismatic Chronicle, 1864, pp. 174–189.—Also: Unpublished coins of John Hyrcanus, in Numismatic Chronicle, 1882, pp. 306, 307.
POOLE, article “Money,” in Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, 1863.—Very complete.
MADDEN, Coins of the two revolts of the Jews, in Numismatic Chronicle, 1866, pp. 36–65.—Also: Rare and unpublished Jewish coins, in Numismatic Chronicle, 1879, pp. 13–22. Also: article “Money,” in Kitto’s Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature.
HEAD, Historia numorum, a Manual of Greek Numismatics, London 1887, pp. 681–685.
LEWIS, Shekel of the year five, in Numismatic Chronicle, 1876, p. 322.
The Academy, vol. vi. (July–December 1874) pp. 277 (5th Sept.), 296 (12th Sept.), 321 (19th Sept.), 459 (24th Oct.), 486 (31st Oct.), 536 (14th Nov.).—Correspondence in regard to the genuineness of a Jewish Shekel found by Besant, Evans, and Conder at Jericho.
EWALD, Recension von de Saulcy’s Recherches, in den Gött. gel. Anzeigen 1855, 641–655.—Also: Ueber das Zeitalter der ächten Münzen althebräischer Schrift, in dem Gott. “Nachrichten” 1855, pp. 109–122.
ARNOLD, article “Gold,” in Herzog, Real-Encyclopaedie, 1 Aufl. iv. 1856, 763 ff. In 2 Aufl. revid. von Rüetechi, v. 32–37.
ZUCKERMANN, Ueber talmudische Gewichte und Münzen. 1862.
HERZFELD, Metrologische Voruntersuchungen zu einer Geschichte des ibräischen resp. altjüdischen Handels, Thl. i. 1863 (im Jahrb. für Geschichte der Juden).
CAVEDONI, Neuere Untersuchungen über die antiken jüdischen Münzen, übers, von Werlhof (Münzstudien, herausg. von Grote, v. 1867, pp. 9–37).
REICHARDT, Ueber die Münzen Simons des Makkabäerfürsten (Wiener Numismat. Monatshefte, herausg. von Egger, Bd. ii. 1866, pp. 137–143).—Also: Ueber die Münzen der Makkabäerfürsten (ebendas. iii. 1867, pp. 103–116).—Drei merkwürdige Münzen der Könige Agrippa I. und II. (Wiener Numismat. Zeitschrift, iii. 1871, pp. 83–90).
MOMMSEN, Zu den Münzen Agrippa’s I. und II. (Wiener Numismat. Zeitschrift, Bd. iii. 1871, pp. 449–457).
MERZBACHER, De siclis nummis antiquissimis Judaeorum. Berol. 1873.—Also: Jüdische Aufstandsmünzen aus der Zeit Nero’s und Hadrian’s (Zeitschrift für Numismatik, Bd. i. 1874, pp. 219–237).—Also: Jüdische Sekel (Zeitschrift für Numismatik, Bd. iii. 1876, pp. 141–144).
HULTSCH, Griechische und römische Metrologie (2 Bearbeit. 1882), pp. 456 ff., 602 ff.
HAMBURGER, Real-Encyclopädie für Bibel und Talmud, 2 Abtheil, 1883, art. “Munzen.”
STICKEL, Jüdische Münzen aus Jerusalem (Zeitschrift des deutschen Palästina-Vereins, vii. 1884, pp. 211–214).
GRÄTZ, Bedeutung der jüdischen Münzen mit dem Feststrauss (Lulab) und dem Portale (Monatsschr. für Gesch. und Wissensch. des Judenthums, 1887, pp. 145–176).—Also: Les monnaies de Simon du temps de l’insurrection des juifs sous Adrien (Revue des études juives, t. xvi. 1888, pp. 161–169).
DE SAULCY, Lettre à M. de la Saussaye sur les monnaies de cuivre frappées à Jérusalem par l’ordre des gouverneurs romains de la Judée depuis le règne d’Auguste jusqu’ à celui de Néron (Revue Numismatique, 1853, pp.186–201).—Also: Nouvelles observations sur la numismatique judaïque (Revue Num. 1864, pp. 370–400).—Lettre à M. J. de Witte sur la numismatique judaïque (Revue Num. 1865, pp. 29–55).—Also: Étude chronologique de la vie et des monnaies des rois juifs Agrippa I. et Agrippa II. (Mémoire de la Société française de Numismatique et d’Archéologie, Section d’histoire et d’ethnographie, 1869. This same part contains other two treatises, pp. 3–25, and the above named, pp. 26–56. The several memoirs are, as a rule, published separately under a special title).—Also: Note sur quelques monnaies d’Ascalon (Annuaire de la Société française de Numismatique et d’Archéologie, t. iii. 1868–1873, pp. 253–258).—Notes sur les monnaies de Philippe le tétrarque (ibid. pp. 262–265).—Numismatique de Tibériade (ibid. pp. 266–270).—Also: Numismatique des Macchabées (Revue archéologique, nouv. série, vol. xxiii. 1872, pp. 1–19).—Also: Description de quelques monnaies judaïques nouvelles insuffisamment connues (Mélanges de Numismatique, t. ii. 1877, pp. 85–94).
DE VOGÜÉ, Monnaies Juives, Eléasar (Revue Numismatique, 1860, pp. 280–292).
RÉVILLOUT, Note sur les plus anciennes monnaies hébraïques (Annuaire de la Société française de Numismatique et d’Archéologie, t. viii. 1884, pp. 113–146. Revised reprint from Revue Egyptologique).—Seeks to show that the Hebrew-Phoenician shekel was first reckoned equal to four drachmas by the Ptolemies, whereas the old Hebrew shekel was only half the weight, viz. two drachmas.—Compare also the correspondence between Lenormant and Révillout in Annuaire, viii. 1884, p. 210 sqq.; ix. 1885, p. 89 sqq.
REINACH, Une monnaie hybride des insurrections juives (Revue des études juives, t. xv. 1887, pp. 56–61).—Les monnaies juives (Revue des études juives, 1887, p. cxxxi.–ccxix.).
RENAN, L’église chrétienne, 1879, pp. 546–551.—On the coins of Barcochba.
SALLET, Die Silbermünzen des Barcochba (Zeitschrift für Numismatik, Bd. v. 1878, pp. 110–114).
GARRUCCI, Monete delle due rivolte giudaiche (Dissertazioni archeologiche di vario argomento, vol. ii., Roma 1865, pp. 31–39).