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ОглавлениеThe first edition of the Greek text of the works of Josephus were published by Frobenius and Episcopius at Basel in 1544, under the direction of Arnold Peraxylus Arlen.—It was followed by the Genevan editions of 1611 and 1634.—At Leipzig, in 1691, the title falsely bearing the name Coloniae, appeared the edition of Ittig with learned Prolegomena.—An edition by Bernard, Antiquitatum Jud. libri quatuor priores et pars magna quinti, De bello Jud. liber primus et pars secundi, Oxoniae 1700, which made use of a new collection of manuscripts, and was accompanied by a rich exegetical apparatus, was never completed.—Hudson was the first to issue an improved text of the whole works according to the manuscripts, 2 vols, fol., Oxonii 1720.—Havercamp issued a repertory of everything that had previously been discovered, and also new collections, but not an improved text, in 2 vols, fol., Amsterdam, Leyden, Utrecht, 1726. The editions of Oberthür, in 3 vols., Lips. 1782–1785, and Richter, 6 vols., Lips. 1826–1827, follow closely that of Havercamp.—Dindorf in his edition, 2 vols., Paris 1845–1847, here and there amended the text from materials supplied by Havercamp.—Bekker in his edition, in 6 vols., Lips. 1855–1856, followed Dindorf.—In none of these editions, not even in those of Hudson and Havercamp, is the manuscript apparatus presented with anything like completeness. None of the editors above named since Havercamp gave themselves any concern with the manuscripts. Only for the Bellum Judaicum Cardwell issued a separate edition of a creditable kind, for which he had examined at least a portion of the better manuscripts: Flavii Josephi De bello Judaico libri septem, ed. Cardwell, 2 vols., Oxonii 1837.—A comprehensive collection of all the better manuscripts was first undertaken quite recently by Niese. Of his critical edition, which gives a thorough reconstruction of the text of Josephus on the basis of the manuscripts, two volumes have up to this time appeared, containing the first ten books of the Antiquities: Flavii Josephi opera edidit et apparatu critico instruxit Bened. Niese, vols. i. ii., Berol. 1887, 1885. He has also issued a smaller edition of the text only, without the critical apparatus: Flavii Josephi opera recognovit B. Niese, vols. i. ii., Berol. 1888. The Life appeared in a separate edition by Henke, Brunswick 1786.—Compare generally on the editions: Fabricius, Biblioth. Graec., ed. Harles, v. 31 ff. Fürst, Biblioth. Judaica, ii. 117 f. Grraesse, Trésor de livres rares et précieux, iii. 1862, pp. 480–484.
On Textual Criticism: Ernesti, Observations philologicocriticae in Aristophanis nubes et Flav. Josephi antiqu. Jud., Lips. 1795.—Holwerda, Emendationum Flavianarum specimen, Gorinchemi 1847. Also: Observationes criticae in Flavii Josephi Antiquitatum Judaicarum librum XVIII. (Mnemosyne, 1853, pp. 111–141).—Bekker, Varianten zum Josephus, in Monatsberichte der Berlin. Akad. 1860, pp. 224–230.—Westermann, Excerptorum ex bibliothecae Paulinae Lipsiensis libris manu scriptis pars altera, Lips. 1866.—Wollenberg, Recensentur LXXVII. loci ex Flavii Josephi scriptis excerpti qui ex conlectaneis Constantini Augusti Porphyrogenetae περὶ ἀρετῆς καὶ κακίας in codice Peiresciano extant, Berlin 1871.—Dindorf, Ueber Josephos und dessen Sprache (Neue Jahrbb. für Philol. und Pädag. Bd. 99, 1869, pp. 821–847).—Naber, Observationes critieae in Flavium Josephum, in Mnemosyne, xiii. 1885, pp. 263–284, 352–399.
Translations. On the older translations, see what has been said above. More recent Latin translations are given in the editions of Hudson, Havercamp, Oberthür, and Dindorf.—An English translation of the whole works of Josephus was made by Whiston, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge, and published by him in 1737. Though by no means invariably correct in its rendering, nor in any sense a critical work, its serviceableness and general popularity are shown by the numerous editions through which it has passed. An admirable translation of the Wars of the Jews has been made by Traill, The Jewish War of Flavius Josephus, a new translation by R. Traill, edited by Isaac Taylor, London 1862. Before the publication of the Greek editions a German translation from the Latin was made by Caspar Hedio, Strassburg 1531; then revised by the same after the Greek text, Strassburg 1561. On other German translations of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, see Fabricius, Biblioth. Graec., ed. Harles, v. 31, 38, 48; Fürst, Biblioth. Judaica, ii. 121–123. There need here only be mentioned the translations of the whole works by Ott, Zürich 1736; Cotta, Tübingen 1736; Demme, Josephus’ Werke, übers, von Cotta und Gfroerer; das Ganze von neuem nach dem Griechischen bearbeitet, etc., durch C. R. Demme, 7th ed., Philadelphia 1868–1869. The translation of the Antiquities by Martin, 2 vols., Cologne 1852–1853, 2nd ed. by Kaulen, 1883; of the 11th and 12th books of the Antiquities by Horschetzky, Prague 1826; of the 13th book of the Antiquities by the same translator in 1843; of the Jewish War by Friese, 2 vols., Altona 1804–1805; by Gfroerer, 2 vols., Stuttgart 1836; and by Paret, 6 vols., Stuttgart 1855. Translations of the Life by Eckhardt, Leipzig 1782; by Friese, Altona 1806; by M. J. in the Library of Greek and Roman writers on Judaism and the Jews, vol. ii., Leipzig 1867. Of the Treatise against Apion by Frankel in the Monatsschrift für Gesch. und Wissensch. des Judenthums, 1851–1852, with some abbreviation; by Paret, Stuttgart 1856; and by M. J. in Library of Greek and Roman writers on Judaism and the Jews, vol. ii. 1867. On other translations into English, French, Italian, etc., see Fabricius, Bibliotheca Graec., ed. Harles, v. 30 ff.; Fürst, Bibliotheca Judaica, ii. 123–127.
General Literature on Josephus (the earlier literature given in Fabricius: Bibliotheca Graec., ed. Harles, v. 49–56; Fürst, Bibliotheca Judaica, ii. 127–132).—Vossius, De historicis Graecis (ed. 1, 1624), ii. 8, ed. Westermann, 1838, pp. 238–243.—Havercamp’s edition, ii. 2, p. 57 ff.—Ceillier, Histoire générale des auteurs sacrés et ecclésiastiques, i., Paris 1729, pp. 552–580.—Cave, Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum historia literaria, i., Oxonii 1740, pp. 32–36.—Meusel, Bibliotheca historica, i. 2, 1784, pp. 209–236.—Oberthür in Fabricius, Bibliotheca graeca, ed. Harles, t. v. 1796, pp. 1–64—Jost, Geschichte der Israeliten, ii. 1821, Anhang, pp. 55–73.—Schöll, Geschichte der griech. Literatur, ii. 1830, pp. 383–389.—Lewitz, Quaestionum Flavianarum specimen, Regiom. Pr. 1835. By the same, De Flavii Josephi fide atque auctoritate, Königsberg 1857.—Hoëvell, Flavii Josephi vita; quatenus per vitae opportunities ad conscribendam historiam atque antiquitatem Hebraicam idoneus fuit? etc., Traj. ad Rh. 1835.—Chasles, De l’autorité historique de Flavius Josèphe, Paris 1841.—Egger, Examen critique des historiens anciens de la vie et du règne d’Auguste, Paris 1844, pp. 189–209.—Bähr, art. “Josephus” in Pauly’s Real-Encyclop. der class. Alterthumswissensch. ii. 1846, pp. 242–244.—Creuzer, Josephus und seine griechischen und hellenistischen Führer (Theol. Stud. und Krit. 1853, pp. 45–86).—Reuss, Geschichte der heil. Schriften A. T.’s, 1881, § 15.—Paret, art. “Josephus” in Herzog, Real-Encyclop. 1 Aufl. Bd. vii. 1857, pp. 24–29.—Farrar, article “Josephus” in Kitto, Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature.—On relation of St. Peter to Josephus: Farrar in Expositor, second series, vol. iii. p. 403 ff.; E. A. Abbott in Expositor for January 1882; Salmon, Introduction to the New Testament, London 1885, pp. 638–649.—Edersheim, article on “Josephus” in Smith and Wace, Dictionary of Christian Biography, iii. 441–460.—Terwogt, Het leven van den joodschen geschiedschrijver Flavius Josephus, Utrecht 1863.—Hausrath, Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, 2 ed., iv. 56–74. Also: Ueber den jüdischen Geschichtschreiber und Staatsmann Flav. Josephus (Sybel’s Histor. Zeitschr. Bd. xii. 1864, pp. 285–314).—Ewald, History of Israel, vol. vii. 492 ff., viii. 68–75.—Baerwald, Josephus in Galiläa, sein Verhältniss zu den Parteien insbesondere zu Justus von Tiberias und Agrippa II., Breslau 1877.
On the theological and philosophical standpoint of Josephus: Bretschneider, Capita theologiae Judaeorum dogmaticae e Flavii Josephi scriptis collecta, Viteb. 1812.—Gfroerer, Philo, ii. pp. 356–367.—Dähne, Jüd.-alex. Religionsphilosophie, ii. 240–245.—Lutterbeck, Die neutestamentlichen Lehrbegriffe, i. 1852, pp. 410–412.—Gerlach. Die Weissagungen des A. T.’s in den Schriften des Fl. Josephus, 1863, pp. 6–19.—Poznanski, Ueber die religionsphilosophischen Anschauungen des Flavius Josephus, Breslau 1887.—Lewinsky, Beiträge zur Kenntniss der religionsphilosophischen Anschauungen des Flavius Josephus, Breslau 1887.—Drummond, Philo-Judaeus: or the Jewish-Alexandrian Philosophy in its Development and Completion, 2 vols., London 1888.
On the Old Testament Canon that lay before Josephus (especially in regard to the Treatise against Apion, i. 8), compare the Introductions to the Old Testament of Hävernick, Keil, vol. ii. pp. 138–140; De Wette, Bleek, ii. 307–309.—Robertson Smith, The Old Testament in the Jewish Church, Edin. 1881, pp. 149 f., 408.—Ewald, History of Israel, viii. 337 ff., 346, 361.—Dillmann (Jahrbb. für deutsche Theologie, 1858).—Strack, art. “Kanon des Alten Testam.,” in Herzog, 2 Aufl. Bd. vii. 1880.—Treuenfels in Fürst’s Literaturblatt des Orients, x. 1849, xi. 1850.—Derenbourg, Histoire de la Palestine, pp. 478–480.
On the use of the original Hebrew text and the Septuagint: Carpzov, Critica sacra, Lips. 1748, pp. 945–954.—Gesenius, Geschichte der hebr. Sprache und Schrift, 1815, pp. 80–82.—Spittler, De usu versionis Alexandrinae apud Josephum, Gottiag. 1779.—Scharfenberg, De Josephi et versionis Alexandrinae consensu, Lips. 1780.—Bloch, Die Quellen des Flavius Josephus, 1879, pp. 8–22.—Siegfried, Die hebräischen Worterklärungen des Josephus (in Stade’s Zeitschrift für die alttestam. Wissensch. 1883, pp. 32–35).—A list of the Hebrew etymologies of Josephus is also given in Vallarsi’s edition of Jerome, iii. 745–752.
On the treatment of the biblical history of Josephus: Edersheim in article “Josephus” in Smith and Wace, Dictionary of Christian Biography, iii. pp. 454–457.—Zunz, Die gottesdienstlichen Vorträge der Juden, p. 120.—Hartmann, Die enge Verbindung des A. T.’s mit dem Neuen, 1831, pp. 464–514.—Burger, Essai sur l’usage que Fl. Josèphe a fait des livres canoniques de l’ A. T., Strasburg 1836.—Gerlach. Die. Weissagungen des A. T. in den Schriften des Fl. Josephus, 1863.—Duschak, Josephus Flavius und die Tradition, Wien 1864.—Plaut, Flavius Josephus und die Bibel, Berlin 1867.—Tachauer, Das Verhältniss des Fl. Josephus zur Bibel und zur Tradition, Erlangen 1871.—Bloch, Die Quellen des Fl. Josephus, 1879, pp. 23–53.—Ranke, Weltgeschichte, iii. 2, pp. 12–41,1883.—Olitzki, Flavius Josephus und die Halacha, 1 Thl. 1885.—Grünbaum, Die Priestergesetze bei Flavius Josephus, 1887.
On the chronology of Josephus, especially for the earlier periods: Brinch. Chronologiae et historiae Fl. Josephi examen Hafniae 1701 (also in Havercamp’s Josephus, ii. 2, 287–304).—Spanheim in Havercamp’s Josephus, ii. 2, 407 f.—Carpzov, Critica sacrae, pp. 954–957.—Junker, Ueber die Chronologie des Flavius Josephus, Conitz 1848.—The Journal of Sacred Literature, vol. v. 1850, pp. 60–81.—Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record, vol. vii. 1858, pp. 178–181. Ewald, History of Israel, ii. p. 371.—Niebuhr, Gesch. Assurs und Babel’s, 1857, pp. 105–109, 347–360.—Kuenen, De statmboom van den masoretischen tekst des O. Testaments (Verdagm en Mededeelingen der koninkl. Akademie van Wetensehappen, Afdeeling Letterkunde, Tweede reeks, deel iii. 1873, pp. 289–339; on Josephus, p. 321 ff.).—Destinon, Die Chronologie des Josephus, Kiel 1880.
On the sources of the second half of the Antiquities: Nussbaum, Observationes in Flavii Josephi Antiquitates, lib. xii. 3–xiii. 14. Dissertat. inaugur. 1875.—Bloch, Die Quellen des Flavius Josephus in seiner Archaeologie, Leipzig 1879.—Destinon, Die Quellen des Flavius Josephus in der Jüd. Archaeologie, Buch xii.–xvii.=Jüd. Krieg, Buch i., Kiel 1882.—Schemann, Die Quellen des Flavius Josephus in der jüdischen Archaeologie, Buch xviii.–xx.=Polemos ii., cap. vii.–xiv., 3 Dissert. 1887.
On the communicated State Papers, especially of times of Caesar and Augustus: Gronovius, Decreta Romana et Asiatica pro Judaeis, etc., Lugd. Bat. 1712.—Krebs, Decreta Romanorum pro Judaeis facta e Josepho collecta et commentario illustrata, Lips. 1768.—Egger, Examen critique des historiens anciens de la vie et du règne d’Auguste, 1844, pp. 193–200. By the same: Études historiques sur les traités publics, 1866, p. 163 ff.—Bonnetty, Annales de philosophie chrétienne, ix., 5 série.—Mendelssohn, Senati consulta Romanorum quae sunt in Josephi Antiquitatibus (Acta Societatis philol., Lips. ed. Ritschelius, v. 1875, pp. 87–288).—Niese, Bemerkungen über die Urkunden bei Josephus Archaeologie, B. xiii. xiv. xvi., in Hermes, xi. 1876, pp. 466–488.—See reply to Niese by Mendelssohn, Rhein. Museum, Neue Folge, Bd. xxxii. 1877, pp. 249–258.—Wicseler, Einige Bemerkungen zu den römischen Urkunden bei Josephus Ant. 12. 10, 14. 8, 14. 10, in Theol. Stud. und Kritiken, 1877, pp. 281–298.—Rosenthal, Die Erlässe Cäsars und die Senatsconsulte im Josephus Alterth. xiv. 10, in Monatsschrift für Gesch. und Wissensch. des Judenthums, 1879, pp. 176–183, 216–228, 300–322.
For the literature on the so-called witness to Christ in Antiquities, xviii. 3. 3, which, as a rule, also deals with Josephus more generally, see below at § 17.
On the geographical views of Josephus: Robinson, Biblical Researches in Palestine, vol. i. pp. 408–415, and elsewhere throughout the work.—Raumer, Palästina, 4th ed. 1860, pp. 466–471.—Berggren, Flavius Josephus der Führer und Irreführer der Pilger im alten und neuen Jerusalem, Leipzig 1854. Arnold, Die Bibel, Josephus und Jerusalem; Sammlung und Beleuchtung aller Stellen der Bibel und des Josephus, welche auf die Topographie Jerusalem’s Bezug nehmen, 2 Abth., Halle 1865–1866.—For the explanation and criticism of the geographical statements: Boettger, Topographisch-historisches Lexicon zu den Schriften des Flavius Josephus, Leipzig 1879.
For the illustration of the Treatise against Apion: Cruice, De Flavii Josephi in auctoribus contra Apionem afferendis fide et auctoritate, Paris 1844.—Creuzer, Theol. Stud. und Krit. 1853, p. 64 ff.—Kellner, De fragmentis Manethonianis guae apud Josephum contra Apionem, i. 14 et i. 26 sunt, Marburgi 1859.—Zipser, Des Flavius Josephus Werk, “Ueber das hohe Alter des jüdischen Volkes gegen Apion,” nach hebräischen Originalquellen erläutert, Vienna 1871.—J. G. Müller, Des Flavius Josephus Schrift gegen den Apion, Text und Erklärung, Basel 1877.