Читать книгу Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies - Eric Tyson - Страница 12

Your Financial Checkup



Determining your net worth

Calculating your savings rate

Getting your credit score and keeping an eye on it

Growing your investment portfolio

Protecting yourself with insurance

Examining common money mistakes

Where did your childhood years go? Was it that long ago that you were concerned with what exams you had coming up, what you might be doing over your summer break, and what kind of job you were interested in and qualified to do?

As a young adult, you wonder where you are going to live, how much a decent apartment will cost, and how much you will actually have left over after taxes and those other pesky deductions that are taken from your paycheck. How much will it cost to buy a home that you’ll really want? What are the best ways to save and invest your money?

And then life throws you a curveball like the COVID-19 government-mandated shutdowns which turned plenty of young people’s lives upside down in a way that few saw coming. Or perhaps an aging parent or other relative needs some help. How can you handle these situations personally and financially?

Those are some pretty big questions that even people 20 and 30 years older than you struggle to answer. You’re wise to be thinking about these topics now. In this chapter, I help you start to answer those questions by showing you how to evaluate your net worth (addressing any debt, such as student loans, credit cards, or auto or other consumer loans). I also help you assess your savings rate, credit health, investment portfolio, and insurance coverage so you can develop and implement a winning plan tailored to your situation.

Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies

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