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What Are Your Financial Goals?


First, you need to decide what your want to achieve and write it down. This of course does not need to be limited to financial goals, but writing them down means you have started to make a commitment to reaching your goals. One of my goals was to have a comfortable retirement, for me that’s at least $500,000 in retirement funds. Once that goal is written down you start thinking about things like making room in your budget to increase the contribution to your IRA or 401k account.

It’s best to have some short-term, intermediate and long-term goals, that way you will start seeing some success sooner and you are more likely to stick with your plans.

For now, let’s focus on financial goals. An example of a short-term goal might be to save enough for three to six months of expenses in an emergency fund or saving for a down payment on a car. An intermediate goal could be saving enough for the down payment on home or for the education of your children. Your long-term goal might be building your assets so you have sufficient wealth that you work because you choose to and not because you have to.

Get a sheet of paper (or do this on your phone’s memo pad/your computer). Just list three short-term goals, a target date for achieving the goal and an estimate of the cost for that goal. Now do the same thing for the intermediate goals and long-term goals. Review these with your partner or spouse. It’s important to be on the same sheet of paper, make sure you discuss everything and get alignment of these goals, so you have the support of your partner or spouse. If you are not in alignment on these financial goals, seek professional guidance so your can avoid problems or fights later on. The number one reason marriages end is fights over money, so set down with your partner and review these goals, be prepared to make changes in the spirit of compromise.

Review your goals at least annually, perhaps twice a year, but don’t be measuring everything all of the time. It takes time to reach some of these goals, you just want to make sure you are staying on the right track and moving forward. If not make adjustments.

Family Financial Freedom

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