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One of the first large shopping malls in the Greater Vancouver Area was called the Guildford Town Centre in Surrey, south of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada. At school sometime in 1967, (I don’t know when but you could look at the poster), some friends said, “Come on! We’re going to Guildford to see The Yardbirds at the music store.” After this long, I’ve forgotten the name of the music store. They were there to do an autograph session.

Most people got them to sign CKLG Boss 30s, the hit chart from one of the local AM stations. I wanted to impress The Yardbirds with how hip I was, though. So I removed a piece of lined paper from one of my school exercise books and wrote “Yardbyrds” in psychedelic letters in an hourglass shape. I assume you have already picked up on my mistake but, as a 15-year old teenybopper, I managed to mix them up with The Byrds.

I remember Jimmy Page showing my piece of paper to the others and them discussing it. I thought they were really impressed with my groovy artwork! Later, when I realized my mistake, I was plenty embarrassed! The only other thing I remember about that day was that Jimmy Page was the first male I ever saw wearing a fur coat! I still have their autographs.

Sonic Boom: The Impact of Led Zeppelin. Volume 1 - Break & Enter

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