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I. Prefatory Editorial Remarks:


It has been an adventure, an honour and a genuine pleasure to have worked with Frank’s interviewees. We have met several of them and have become friends with many of them. We are forever grateful to all of them. Each one has enriched our lives and taught us many invaluable lessons. They have been steadfast in their support and so very generous with their time.

One of my greatest editorial challenges has been to maintain the unique personality and considerable charm of each interviewee while ensuring that the text is comprehensible, readable and as grammatically correct as a conversational style will permit. This has been especially challenging in the case of those interviewees for whom English is not their mother tongue. In consultation with those delightful interviewees, we agreed that certain turns of phrase would be left exactly as they had expressed them and not be “corrected” or otherwise meddled with by yours truly.

If anyone should read this who is not a Led Zeppelin fan or scholar, let me confess right now that I wasn’t either when I started this project. You really don’t need to be in order to enjoy this book. Keep an open mind and learn from these interviewees. Their tales are true and fascinating. You’re in for a very compelling read!

Lou Anne Reddon, Editor

June 2008

Sonic Boom: The Impact of Led Zeppelin. Volume 1 - Break & Enter

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