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On September 7, 2008 (the 40th anniversary of Led Zeppelin’s first-ever performance) author Frank Reddon and his editor/sister, Lou Anne Reddon, launched the first of three (planned) printed books about the legendary British rock band.

Sonic Boom: The Impact of Led Zeppelin. Volume 1 – Break & Enter has since been received with critical and popular acclaim worldwide.

Music has always been Frank’s passion. He plays piano, cello, trombone and guitar. Since 1980, he has been an avid collector of Led Zeppelin’s music. As a result of his collection, he contributed valuable research materials to Luis Rey’s landmark book, Led Zeppelin Live: An Exploration of the Underground Tapes (Final Edition. The Hot Wacks Press, 1997).

As an undergrad at the University of Guelph, Ontario, he took a course in popular music culture. He drew on his record collection to write a research paper entitled The Musical Evolution of Led Zeppelin: 1968-1980. His professor was so impressed with his revolutionary approach to music analysis, he urged him to write a book about it one day.

Frank still hopes to publish that book one day. But the Sonic Boom series of three books focuses on the first year of Led Zeppelin’s existence, in celebration of that 40th anniversary milestone.

Sonic Boom Volume 1 is the first oral history ever written about Led Zeppelin. Frank interviewed more than fifty people – from deejays, concert promoters, musicians and audience members to published Led Zeppelin authors, educators and people involved with the group’s ongoing legacy, to discover WHY and HOW the band’s music has endured for over four decades.

His work encompasses more than just Led Zeppelin and the band’s music; it provides an overview of the hippie subculture and the popular music scene of the late 1960s.

This e-book is an abridged version of Frank Reddon’s hardcover book, Sonic Boom: The Impact of Led Zeppelin. Volume 1 – Break & Enter. Photographs, illustrations, some interviews and other textual elements which appear in the hardcover book have been deleted here for legal reasons including, but not limited to, licensing agreements, copyright and other intellectual property issues.

Frank is employed as a Class A Gardener for the City of Welland Department of Parks and Cemeteries. He is a tournament-level tennis player and ultra-marathoner, having completed distances ranging from 5km to 106 miles. He has qualified and participated in the prestigious Boston Marathon several times.

Author photo ©Robert Nowell, used with permission. Enzepplopedia Publishing, Inc.

Sonic Boom: The Impact of Led Zeppelin. Volume 1 - Break & Enter

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