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Eileen was a fourteen year old teenager in San Francisco when the Led Zeppelin LP was released. She shares this cherished memory about what Led Zeppelin and its music meant to her then but wishes to remain anonymous.


My greatest memories as a fourteen year old girl were listening to Dazed and Confused on the Led Zeppelin LP over and over again, after smoking a little weed with my best friend. It seemed like a rite of passage kind of thing. We just loved that song! Teenage angst, I guess. I then got ’way into Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy. I really loved Zeppelin’s songs because of all the references to those books.

I used to hang out on Haight St. a lot. Just in their appearance alone, Zeppelin reminded me of all the cool people in the Haight. Contrary to popular belief, the locals did not wear tie dye but instead wore lots of velvet bell-bottoms and vintage clothes more like Led Zeppelin did. Their music was very sexy, too - the beautiful guitar work and amazing drumming and then Plant’s vocals. It was just over the top drama. Lots of fun for a teenage girl growing up in a bohemian culture.

As far as “real intense, in your face” experiences, my first one was at The Family Dog at the beach. I had the pleasure of standing right at Marc Boland’s feet during the first show that T Rex did in San Francisco. That was the first time I was really blown away! I was thirteen years old then and had been able to literally stand at his shoes while he sang all of his amazing songs. He had a big velvet blazer and that guitar. In my young years, he was a heart-stopper. I believe that look has influenced me even to this day.

All those British boys were so amazing. I loved The Yardbirds, too. The American band that influenced me then was Love and I still really dig the music they made. They are timeless.

Sonic Boom: The Impact of Led Zeppelin. Volume 1 - Break & Enter

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