Читать книгу Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding - George Acquaah - Страница 2
Table of Contents
Оглавление1 Cover
2 Preface
5 Industry highlights boxes: Authors
6 Section 1: Overview and historical perspectives 1 Introduction 1.1 What is plant breeding? 1.2 The goals of plant breeding 1.3 The concept of genetic manipulation of plant attributes 1.4 Why breed plants? 1.5 Overview of the basic steps in plant breeding 1.6 How have plant breeding objectives changed over the years? 1.7 The art and science of plant breeding 1.8 Training of plant breeders 1.9 The plant breeding industry 1.10 Duration and cost of plant breeding programs 1.11 The future of plant breeding in society 1.12 The organization of the book Key references and suggested reading Internet resources for reference Outcomes assessment 2 History of plant breeding 2.1 Origins of agriculture and plant breeding 2.2 The “unknown breeder” 2.3 Plant manipulation efforts by the early civilizations 2.4 Early pioneers of the theories and practices of modern plant breeding 2.5 Later pioneers and trailblazers 2.6 History of plant breeding technologies/techniques 2.7 Genome‐wide approaches to crop improvement 2.8 Bioinformatics and OMICs technologies in crop improvement 2.9 Summary of changes in plant breeding over the last half century 2.10 Achievements of modern plant breeders Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment
7 Section 2: Population and quantitative genetic principles 3 Introduction to concepts of population genetics 3.1 Concepts of a population and gene pool 3.2 Issues arising from Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium 3.3 Factors affecting changes in gene frequency 3.4 Frequency dependent selection 3.5 Summary of key plant breeding applications 3.6 Modes of selection 3.7 Effect of mating system on selection 3.8 Concept of inbreeding 3.9 Inbreeding and its implications in plant breeding 3.10 Concept of population improvement 3.11 Types Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment 4 Introduction to quantitative genetics 4.1 What is quantitative genetics? 4.2 Quantitative traits 4.3 The genetic architecture of quantitative traits 4.4 Systems genetics 4.5 Predicting breeding value 4.6 Genomic selection (genome‐wide selection) 4.7 Mapping quantitative traits Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment
8 Section 3: Reproductive systems 5 Introductionto reproduction 5.1 Importance of mode of reproduction to plant breeding 5.2 Overview of reproductive options in plants 5.3 Types of reproduction 5.4 Sexual reproduction 5.5 What is autogamy? 5.6 Genotype conversion programs 5.7 Artificial pollination control techniques 5.8 What is allogamy? 5.9 Mendelian concepts relating to the reproductive system 5.10 Complex inheritance Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 6 Hybridization 6.1 Concept of gene transfer and hybridization 6.2 Applications of crossing in plant breeding 6.3 Artificial hybridization 6.4 Artificial pollination control techniques 6.5 Flower and flowering issues in hybridization 6.6 Emasculation 6.7 Pollination 6.8 Number of F1 crosses to make 6.9 Genetic issues in hybridization 6.10 Types of populations generated through hybridization 6.11 Wide crosses 6.12 Issue of reproductive isolation barriers 6.13 Overcoming challenges of reproductive barriers 6.14 Bridge crosses Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment 7 Clonal propagation and in vitro culture 7.1 What is a clone? 7.2 Clones, inbred lines, and pure lines 7.3 Categories of clonally propagated species based on economic use 7.4 Categories of clonally propagated species for breeding purposes 7.5 Types of clonal propagation 7.6 Importance of clonal propagation in plant breeding 7.7 Breeding implications of clonal propagation 7.8 Genetic Issues in Clonal Breeding 7.9 Breeding approaches used in clonal species 7.10 Natural propagation 7.11 In vitro culture 7.12 Micropropagation 7.13 Concept of totipotency 7.14 Somaclonal variation 7.15 Apomixis 7.16 Other tissue culture applications 7.17 Production of haploids 7.18 Germplasm preservation Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment
9 Section 4: Germplasm for breeding 8 Variation: types, origin, and scale 8.1 Classifying plants 8.2 Rules of classification of plants 8.3 Operational classification systems 8.4 Types of variation among plants 8.5 Origins of genetic variability 8.6 Biotechnology for creating genetic variability 8.7 Scale of variability Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 9 Plant domestication 9.1 The concept of evolution 9.2 What is domestication? 9.3 Evolution versus domestication 9.4 Conscious selection versus unconscious selection 9.5 Patterns of plant domestication 9.6 Centers of plant domestication 9.7 Roll call of domesticated plants 9.8 Changes accompanying domestication 9.9 Genetic bottleneck 9.10 Tempo of domestication 9.11 Genetic architecture and domestication 9.12 Models of domestication 9.13 Modern breeding is a continuation of the domestication process Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 10 Plant genetic resources 10.1 Importance of germplasm to plant breeding 10.2 Centers of diversity in plant breeding 10.3 Sources of germplasm for plant breeding 10.4 Concept of genetic vulnerability 10.5 What plant breeders can do to address crop vulnerability 10.6 Wild (exotic) germplasm in plant breeding 10.7 Plant genetic resources conservation 10.8 Nature of cultivated plant genetic resources 10.9 Approaches to germplasm conservation 10.10 Germplasm collection 10.11 Types of plant germplasm collections 10.12 Managing plant genetic resources 10.13 Issue of redundancy and the concept of core subsets 10.14 Germplasm storage technologies 10.15 Using genetic resources 10.16 Plant explorations and introductions and their impact on agriculture 10.17 International conservation efforts 10.18 An example of a national germplasm conservation system 10.19 Who owns biodiversity? 10.20 Understanding the genetic architecture of germplasm for crop improvement Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment
10 Section 5: Breeding objectives 11 Yield andmorphological traits 11.1 Physiological traits 11.2 What is yield? 11.3 Biological versus economic yield 11.4 The ideotype concept 11.5 Improving the efficiency of dry matter partitioning 11.6 Harvest index as a selection criterion for yield 11.7 Selecting for yield per se 11.8 Biological pathway to economic yield 11.9 The concept of yield potential 11.10 The concept of yield plateau 11.11 Yield stability 11.12 Lodging resistance 11.13 Shattering resistance 11.14 Reduced plant height 11.15 Breeding determinacy 11.16 Photoperiod response 11.17 Early maturity Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 12 Quality traits 12.1 Concept of quality 12.2 Nutritional quality of food crops 12.3 Brief history of breeding for improved nutritional quality of crops 12.4 Breeding for improved protein content 12.5 Improving protein content by genetic engineering 12.6 Breeding improved oil quality 12.7 Breeding low phytate cultivar 12.8 Breeding end‐use quality 12.9 Breeding seedlessness 12.10 Breeding for industrial uses 12.11 Breeding plants for novel traits 12.12 Breeding for enhanced bioavailable micronutrients Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment 13 Environmental stress factors and plant breeding 13.1 Environmental stress factors in crop production 13.2 Climate change and plant breeding 13.3 Crop production environment and stress 13.4 Abiotic environmental stress factors 13.5 Biotic environmental stress factors 13.6 Effects of combined stresses 13.7 Impact of environmental stress factors in crop production Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 14 Breeding for resistanceto diseases and insect pests 14.1 Selected definitions 14.2 Groups of pathogens and pests targeted by plant breeders 14.3 Biological and economic effects of plant pathogens and pests 14.4 Overview of the methods of control of plant pathogens and pests 14.5 Concepts of resistance in breeding 14.6 Concepts of pathogen and host 14.7 Mechanisms of defense in plants against pathogens and pests 14.8 Types of genetic host resistance and their breeding approaches 14.9 Resistance breeding strategies 14.10 Challenges of breeding for pest resistance 14.11 Role of wild germplasm in disease and pest resistance breeding 14.12 Screening techniques in disease and pest resistance breeding 14.13 Applications of biotechnology in pest resistance breeding 14.14 Epidemics and plant breeding Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 15 Breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses 15.1 Importance of breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses 15.2 Resistance to abiotic stress and yield potential 15.3 Types of abiotic environmental stresses 15.4 Tolerance to stress or resistance to stress? 15.5 Screening for stress resistance 15.6 Drought stress 15.7 Breeding drought resistance 15.8 Approaches for breeding drought resistance 15.9 Cold stress 15.10 Mechanisms of resistance to low temperature 15.11 Selection for low‐temperature tolerance 15.12 Breeding for tolerance to low‐temperature stress 15.13 Salinity stress 15.14 Heat stress 15.15 Mineral toxicity stress 15.16 Mineral deficiency stress 15.17 Oxidative stress 15.18 Flood stress (waterlogging) Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment
11 Section 6: Selection methods 16 Breeding self‐pollinated species 16.1 Types of cultivars 16.2 Genetic structure of cultivars and its implications 16.3 Types of self‐pollinated cultivars 16.4 Common plant breeding notations 16.5 Mass selection 16.6 Pure‐line selection 16.7 Pedigree selection 16.8 Bulk population breeding 16.9 Single‐seed descent 16.10 Backcross breeding 16.11 Special backcross procedures 16.12 Multiline breeding and cultivar blends 16.13 Composites 16.14 Recurrent selection Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 17 Breeding cross‐pollinated species 17.1 The concept of population improvement 17.2 Concept of recurrent selection 17.3 Genetic basis of recurrent selection 17.4 Types of recurrent selection 17.5 Intrapopulation improvement methods 17.6 Optimizing gain from selection in population improvement 17.7 Development of synthetic cultivars 17.8 Backcross breeding Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 18 Breeding hybrid cultivars 18.1 What is a hybrid cultivar? 18.2 Brief historical perspective 18.3 The concepts of hybrid vigor and inbreeding depression 18.4 Genetic basis of heterosis 18.5 Biometrics of heterosis 18.6 Concept of heterotic relationship 18.7 Types of hybrids 18.8 Germplasm procurement and development for hybrid production 18.9 Selection of parents (inbred lines) 18.10 Field establishment 18.11 Maintenance 18.12 Harvesting and processing 18.13 Hybrid seed production of maize 18.14 Hybrids in horticulture 18.15 Exploiting hybrid vigor in asexually reproducing species 18.16 Prerequisites for successful commercial hybrid seed production Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment 19 Breeding clonally propagated species 19.1 Clones, inbred lines, and pure lines 19.2 Categories of clonally propagated species for breeding purposes 19.3 Breeding implications of clonal propagation 19.4 Genetic issues in clonal breeding 19.5 Breeding approaches used in clonal crops 19.6 Advantages and limitations of clonal propagation 19.7 Breeding apomictic cultivars 19.8 In vitro selection Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes Assessment
12 Section 7: Technologies for linkinggenes to traits 20 Molecular markers 20.1 The concept of genetic markers 20.2 Use of genetic markers in plant breeding 20.3 Concept of polymorphism and the origin of molecular markers 20.4 Brief history of molecular markers 20.5 Classification of molecular markers 20.6 Enzyme‐based markers 20.7 Hybridization‐based markers 20.8 PCR‐based markers 20.9 PCR‐based markers from RFLPs 20.10 DNA sequence‐based markers 20.11 Comparison of selected molecular markers 20.12 Desirable properties of a molecular marker system 20.13 Readying markers for marker assisted selection Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 21 Mapping of genes 21.1 Why map genes? 21.2 Types of gene maps 21.3 Principles of linkage mapping 21.4 Mapping populations 21.5 Identification of polymorphic markers 21.6 Linkage analysis of markers 21.7 Rendering linkage maps 21.8 Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) 21.9 High‐resolution QTL mapping 21.10 Bulk segregant analysis (BSA) 21.11 The value of multiple parent populations in mapping 21.12 Creating MAGIC and NAM populations for QTL mapping 21.13 Comparative genome mapping 21.14 Synteny Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 22 DNA sequencingand OMICs technologies 22.1 What is DNA sequencing? 22.2 Types of sequencing technologies 22.3 Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) workflow 22.4 Genotyping by sequencing 22.5 What are the “OMICs” technologies in plant breeding? 22.6 Genomics 22.7 Transcriptomics 22.8 Proteomics 22.9 Metabolomics 22.10 Phenomics Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment
13 Section 8: Applications of genetic markers in breeding 23 Marker‐assisted selection 23.1 The concept of molecular breeding 23.2 Choosing molecular markers for MAS 23.3 Advantages of MAS over conventional breeding protocols 23.4 The MAS schemes 23.5 Limitations of MAS 23.6 Enhancing the potential of MAS in breeding Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 24 Genomic selection and genome‐wide association studies 24.1 Making the case for genomic selection 24.2 What is genomic selection? 24.3 Genome‐wide association studies 24.4 MAS, MABC, and GS compared 24.5 Haplotypes 24.6 Linkage disequilibrium mapping (association mapping) Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment
14 Section 9: Mutations and ploidy in plant breeding 25 Mutagenesis in plant breeding 25.1 Brief historical perspectives 25.2 Types of mutations 25.3 Mutagenic agents 25.4 Types of tissues used for mutagenesis 25.5 Factors affecting the success of mutagenesis 25.6 Mutation breeding of seed‐bearing plants 25.7 Mutation breeding of clonally propagated species 25.8 Mutations from tissue culture systems 25.9 Using induced mutants 25.10 Limitations of mutagenesis as a plant breeding technique 25.11 Selected significant successes of mutation breeding 25.12 Molecular techniques for enhancing efficiency of induced mutagenesis 25.13 Horticultural applications of mutagenesis 25.14 General effects of mutagenesis 25.15 Key successes of induced mutagenesis Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment 26 Ploidy in plantbreeding 26.1 Terminology 26.2 Variations in chromosome number 26.3 General effects of polyploidy of plants 26.4 Origin of polyploids 26.5 Autoploidy 26.6 Breeding autoploids 26.7 Natural alloploids 26.8 Aneuploidy 26.9 General importance of polyploidy in plant improvement 26.10 Inducing polyploids 26.11 Use of 2n gametes for introgression breeding 26.12 Haploidy 26.13 Anther culture 26.14 Doubled haploids Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment
15 Section 10: Genetic molecular modifications in plant breeding 27 Breeding genetically modified crops 27.1 What is biotechnology? 27.2 Antisense technology 27.3 Restriction enzymes 27.4 Vectors 27.5 Categories of vectors by functions 27.6 Cloning 27.7 Breeding genetically modified (GM) cultivars 27.8 Engineering pest resistance 27.9 Trends in adoption of GM cultivars Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment 28 Genome editing and other modification technologies 28.1 General steps in genome editing 28.2 Types of editing systems 28.3 Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) 28.4 Transcription activator‐like effector nucleases (TALENs) 28.5 Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR‐Cas9) 28.6 Comparison of gene editing systems 28.7 RNA interference (RNAi) 28.8 Oligonucleotide‐directed mutagenesis Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 29 Paradigm shifts in plantbreeding and other non‐GM technologies 29.1 The way breeders manipulate the plant genome 29.2 Paradigm shifts in plant breeding 29.3 Cisgenesis 29.4 Intragenesis 29.5 Reverse breeding 29.6 Grafting non‐GM scion on GM rootstock 29.7 Agroinfiltration 29.8 Epigenetics 29.9 RNA‐directed DNA methylation 29.10 DNA barcoding 29.11 Techniques for shortening the plant generation cycle for faster breeding Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment
16 Section 11: Computer‐aided applications in plant breeding 30 Bioinformatics, big data analytics, and computer simulations in plant breeding 30.1 What is bioinformatics? 30.2 Subdivisions of bioinformatics 30.3 Workflow for bioinformatics projects 30.4 General goals of bioinformatics 30.5 Data for bioinformatics 30.6 Data sources and how they are utilized in bioinformatics 30.7 Types of bioinformatics databases 30.8 Data management and integration 30.9 Data mining 30.10 Applications of bioinformatics in plant breeding 30.11 What is big data? 30.12 Big data workflow in plant breeding 30.13 Plant breeding applications 30.14 What is a computer simulation or model? 30.15 Applications of computer simulation in plant breeding 30.16 Ideotype breeding 30.17 Simulation models in plant breeding Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes Assessment
17 Section 12: Variety release process in plant breeding 31 Performance evaluation for crop cultivar release 31.1 Purpose of performance trials 31.2 Kinds of field trials 31.3 Designing field trials 31.4 The role of the environment in field trials 31.5 Genotype × environment interaction (GEI) 31.6 Models of G × E interaction 31.7 Measurement of GEI using ANOVA 31.8 Importance and Applications of GEI in Plant Breeding 31.9 Stability analysis models 31.10 Adaptation 31.11 Field plot technique in plant breeding 31.12 Field plot designs 31.13 Materials, equipment, and machinery for field evaluation of genotypes Key references and suggested reading Internet Outcomes assessment 32 Seed certification and commercial seed release 32.1 The role of improved seed in agriculture 32.2 Role of the private sector in the seed industry 32.3 General steps of operation of the seed industry 32.4 The cultivar release process 32.5 Multiplication of pedigree seed 32.6 Concept of seed certification 32.7 The seed certification process 32.8 Seed testing 32.9 Tagging commercial seed 32.10 International role in seed certification 32.11 Production of conventional seed 32.12 Production of hybrid seed 32.13 Crop registration 32.14 Variety protection Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 33 Regulatory andLegal Issues 33.1 The concept of intellectual property 33.2 Patents 33.3 Patents in plant breeding and biotechnology: unique issues and challenges 33.4 Protecting plant varieties 33.5 The concept of substantial equivalence in regulation of biotechnology 33.6 The issue of “novel traits” 33.7 The concept of the precautionary principle 33.8 Regulation and the issue of public trust 33.9 Biosafety regulation at the international level 33.10 Labeling of biotechnology products 33.11 Economic impact of labeling and regulations 33.12 Legal risks that accompany adoption of GM crops 33.13 Overview of the regulation of the biotechnology industry in the US 33.14 The concept of biopiracy 33.15 The impact of IPRs on plant breeding Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment
18 Section 13: Societal issues in plant breeding 34 Value‐driven concepts and social concerns 34.1 Concepts of ethics, morals, and values 34.2 Evolution of social debates on science‐based issues 34.3 Ethics in plant breeding 34.4 Risk analysis of biotechnology 34.5 Genetic use restriction technologies 34.6 Public perceptions and fears about biotechnology 34.7 Some concerns of plant breeders 34.8 GM foods and the issue of food allergy 34.9 The concept of organic plant breeding 34.10 Principles of organic plant breeding 34.11 Acceptable organic plant breeding techniques 34.12 Making agricultural biotechnology more acceptable to society 34.13 The “halo effect” of GM crops in the field 34.14 The rise of minor pests in GM fields 34.15 Who owns biodiversity? Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment 35 International plant breeding efforts 35.1 International crop research centers 35.2 The CGIAR centers and their mission 35.3 Brief overview of plant breeding in developed countries 35.4 Plant breeding efforts in Sub‐Saharan Africa 35.5 Biotechnology efforts in developing countries 35.6 Participatory plant breeding (PPB) 35.7 Conventional plant breeding versus decentralized‐participatory plant breeding 35.8 The Green Revolution 35.9 The Green Revolution and the impact of international breeding efforts Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment
19 Section 14: Breeding selected crops 36 Breeding wheat 36.1 Economic importance 36.2 Origin and history 36.3 Adaptation 36.4 History of breeding in the US 36.5 Commercial wheat classes 36.6 Germplasm resources 36.7 Cytogenetics 36.8 Genetics 36.9 General botany 36.10 Reproductive biology 36.11 Common breeding methods 36.12 Establishing a breeding nursery 36.13 Artificial pollination for hybridization 36.14 Natural pollination 36.15 Seed development 36.16 Breeding objectives Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 37 Breeding corn 37.1 Economic importance 37.2 Origin and general history 37.3 Adaptation 37.4 History of corn breeding in the United States 37.5 Types of corn 37.6 Germplasm resources 37.7 Cytogenetics 37.8 Genetics 37.9 General botany 37.10 Reproductive biology 37.11 Genetic consequences of reproductive biology 37.12 Common breeding approaches 37.13 Establishing a breeding nursery 37.14 Other nurseries 37.15 Special environment 37.16 Artificial pollination for hybridization 37.17 Natural pollination for hybridization 37.18 Common breeding objectives Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 38 Breeding rice 38.1 Economic importance 38.2 Origin and history 38.3 Adaptation 38.4 Commercial classes 38.5 Germplasm resources 38.6 Cytogenetics 38.7 Genetics 38.8 General botany 38.9 Reproductive biology 38.10 Common breeding methods 38.11 Establishing a breeding nursery 38.12 Common breeding objectives Key references and suggested further reading Outcomes assessment 39 Breeding sorghum 39.1 Economic importance 39.2 Origin 39.3 History of breeding in the US 39.4 Genetic resources 39.5 Cytogenetics 39.6 Genetics 39.7 General botany 39.8 Sorghum races 39.9 Grain sorghum groups 39.10 Reproductive biology 39.11 Pollination 39.12 Common breeding methods 39.13 Establishing a breeding nursery 39.14 Artificial pollination 39.15 Natural pollination 39.16 Seed development 39.17 Harvesting 39.18 Common breeding objectives Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 40 Breeding soybean 40.1 Economic importance 40.2 History and origin 40.3 History of breeding 40.4 Genetic resources 40.5 Cytogenetics 40.6 Genetics 40.7 General botany 40.8 Cultivars 40.9 Reproductive biology 40.10 Common breeding methods 40.11 Establishing a field nursery 40.12 Artificial hybridization 40.13 Natural hybridization 40.14 Seed development 40.15 Harvesting 40.16 Breeding objectives Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment 41 Breeding peanut 41.1 Economic importance 41.2 Origin and history 41.3 Market types 41.4 Genetic resources 41.5 Cytogenetics 41.6 General botany 41.7 Reproductive biology 41.8 Common breeding methods 41.9 Establishing a breeding nursery 41.10 Artificial pollination 41.11 Common breeding objectives Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment 42 Breeding potato 42.1 Economic importance 42.2 Origin and history 42.3 Adaptation 42.4 Genetic resources 42.5 Cytogenetics 42.6 Genetics 42.7 General botany 42.8 Cultivars 42.9 Reproductive biology 42.10 Common breeding methods 42.11 Establishing a breeding nursery 42.12 Artificial pollination for hybridization 42.13 Natural pollination 42.14 Seed development 42.15 Breeding objectives Key references and suggested reading Internet resources Outcomes assessment 43 Breeding cotton 43.1 Economic importance 43.2 Origin and history 43.3 Germplasm resources 43.4 Cytogenetics 43.5 Genetics 43.6 Cultivars 43.7 American upland cotton 43.8 General botany 43.9 Reproductive biology 43.10 Common breeding methods 43.11 Establishing a breeding nursery 43.12 Artificial crossing 43.13 Natural pollination 43.14 Seed development 43.15 Breeding objectives Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment 44 Breeding tomato 44.1 Economic importance 44.2 Origin and history 44.3 Commercial market classes 44.4 Tomato types 44.5 Germplasm 44.6 Cytogenetics 44.7 Genetics 44.8 General botany 44.9 Brief history of tomato breeding 44.10 Breeding objectives 44.11 Common breeding methods Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment
20 S1 S1Plant cellular organization and genetic structure: an overview S1.1 The unit of organization of living things S1.2 Levels of eukaryotic organization S1.3 The plant cell and tissue S1.4 Plant genome S1.5 Chromosomes and nuclear division S1.6 Genetic linkage and its implications S1.7 Chromosome mapping S1.8 Penetrance and expressivity S1.9 Nucleic acids: structure and function S1.10 Central dogma of molecular biology S1.11 Expression of genetic information S1.12 Protein structure S1.13 Regulation of gene expression S1.14 Synteny and plant breeding b b
21 S2 S2Common statistical methods in plantbreeding S2.1 Role of statistics in plant breeding S2.2 Population versus sample S2.3 The issue of causality S2.4 Statistical hypothesis S2.5 Concept of statistical error S2.6 Principles of experimental design S2.7 Probability S2.8 Measures of central tendency S2.9 Measures of dispersion S2.10 Standard deviation S2.11 The normal distribution S2.12 Coefficient of variation S2.13 Standard error of the mean S2.14 Simple linear correlation S2.15 Simple linear regression S2.16 Chi‐square test S2.17 t‐test S2.18 Analysis of variance S2.19 Multivariate statistics in plant breeding S2.20 Path analysis Key references and suggested reading Outcomes assessment
23 Index