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I would like to recognize all those scientists, engineers, professors, authors, teachers, and also students who in the past 130 years with their research, experiments, theories, analysis, publications, and textbook have been able to explain beautifully how matter behaves, how to use it, and how to explain it to the next generation of scientists. In the process they created an electronic revolution. As someone already said, we are sailing on the shoulders of all those thousands of geniuses that preceded us.

I want to acknowledge the efforts and support of the Wiley editors who made the text more readable and clearer.

I want to thank my family who have been always helpful, encouraging, and patient with me and my project.

Finally, I would like to mention Dr. Gerry Hanh, who upon reading the first chapters that I wrote as a hobby, insisted I send them to Wiley, resulting in the book you have now in your hands.

Semiconductor Basics

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