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2.5 Dealing with seasonal highs and lows
ОглавлениеSeasonal highs and lows are difficult to deal with in small businesses. The smaller the business, the harder it is hit by a month or two of little income and negative cash flow.
In your catering business, the seasonal highs and lows will vary with the type of catering you do. If much of your business comes from industrial catering, the holiday season will not affect you very much; it might even reduce volume. But most caterers are in great demand around the holiday season, with up to one-half of their annual gross income earned in two and a half weeks. Caterers who specialize in weddings will be very busy in May, June, July, August, and September — the traditional wedding months. But they will have slumps during the early and late months of the year. Corporate catering is fairly even throughout the year, though it tends to dip somewhat during summer vacation months.
These are just broad generalizations to give you a concept of what to expect. In reality, the highs and lows are very difficult to predict from year to year, even by caterers who have been in business for a long time. No one knows why. For example, most caterers expect to have slow months in January and February. But the same months could be very busy if corporations decide to expand their employee training and schedule classes right after the holiday season in January. If they want you to cater breakfasts and lunches for their classes, you’ll be swamped with work.
If you have planned your finances adequately and have a comfortable cash flow, you can also take the seasonal highs and lows without losing your peace of mind. You will simply have to dip into your bank account during lean months, while keeping your faith in the financially solid future. When money pours in all of a sudden, put some back into the savings account for those future lean months. Rely on your good budgeting skills, and invest in one of those pieces of costly equipment you’ve been wanting, but don’t spend all the surplus.
Seasonal highs and lows are something you can live with, even enjoy, once you expect them. It is nice to be busy again after a period of being in the maintenance and house-cleaning mode, but it is even nicer to anticipate a few weeks of very little to do after a busy schedule. This is one characteristic of catering that distinguishes it from other food service fields.