Читать книгу Self Service A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition - Gerardus Blokdyk - Страница 10



INTENT: Analyze causes, assumptions and hypotheses.

In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:

5 Strongly Agree

4 Agree

3 Neutral

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree

1. What are the sources of data from self-service interactions?

<--- Score

2. What are the best opportunities for value improvement?

<--- Score

3. Do you drive employee experience and engagement through self-service?

<--- Score

4. Do you, as a leader, bounce back quickly from setbacks?

<--- Score

5. Are Self-service changes recognized early enough to be approved through the regular process?

<--- Score

6. How will you manage IT and self-service data integration?

<--- Score

7. Were Pareto charts (or similar) used to portray the ‘heavy hitters’ (or key sources of variation)?

<--- Score

8. Do you have difficulty supporting self-service access to complex data sources?

<--- Score

9. What are the Self-service design outputs?

<--- Score

10. Is the process self-service or managed?

<--- Score

11. What quality tools were used to get through the analyze phase?

<--- Score

12. What are your key Self-service indicators that you will measure, analyze and track?

<--- Score

13. Will your solution be self-serviced locally or provisioned in the data center?

<--- Score

14. What is the cost of poor quality as supported by the team’s analysis?

<--- Score

15. What are evaluation criteria for the output?

<--- Score

16. What conclusions were drawn from the team’s data collection and analysis? How did the team reach these conclusions?

<--- Score

17. Have changes been properly/adequately analyzed for effect?

<--- Score

18. Are users in your organization currently integrating or blending data from sources using a software solutions self-service data preparation capabilities?

<--- Score

19. What process improvements will be needed?

<--- Score

20. Is there any way to speed up the process?

<--- Score

21. What were the crucial ‘moments of truth’ on the process map?

<--- Score

22. Was a cause-and-effect diagram used to explore the different types of causes (or sources of variation)?

<--- Score

23. What are your current levels and trends in key Self-service measures or indicators of product and process performance that are important to and directly serve your customers?

<--- Score

24. Is data and process analysis, root cause analysis and quantifying the gap/opportunity in place?

<--- Score

25. How was the detailed process map generated, verified, and validated?

<--- Score

26. Were any designed experiments used to generate additional insight into the data analysis?

<--- Score

27. Does your self-service product track data point in time?

<--- Score

28. How are outputs preserved and protected?

<--- Score

29. Did any value-added analysis or ‘lean thinking’ take place to identify some of the gaps shown on the ‘as is’ process map?

<--- Score

30. Does your organization systematically track and analyze outcomes related for accountability and quality improvement?

<--- Score

31. Are pertinent alerts monitored, analyzed and distributed to appropriate personnel?

<--- Score

32. What are self-service data discovery and visualisation tools?

<--- Score

33. Are losses documented, analyzed, and remedial processes developed to prevent future losses?

<--- Score

34. Have the types of risks that may impact Self-service been identified and analyzed?

<--- Score

35. Do several people in different organizational units assist with the Self-service process?

<--- Score

36. How can the available data be enriched to allow for self-service?

<--- Score

37. What is a service recovery process from a self-service technology approach?

<--- Score

38. Does the knowledge management module include the ability to establish expiration dates that drive update alerts to the document owner?

<--- Score

39. What security measures are used to safeguard employee data in the self-service portal?

<--- Score

40. Will self-service drive more complex calls to the service desk?

<--- Score

41. What tools were used to generate the list of possible causes?

<--- Score

42. How difficult is it to qualify what Self-service ROI is?

<--- Score

43. Have the problem and goal statements been updated to reflect the additional knowledge gained from the analyze phase?

<--- Score

44. When should a process be art not science?

<--- Score

45. Did any additional data need to be collected?

<--- Score

46. Have all non-recommended alternatives been analyzed in sufficient detail?

<--- Score

47. How will corresponding data be collected?

<--- Score

48. What reports are available to drive Evolve Loop content development, especially to fill customer self-service gaps?

<--- Score

49. Does the BI platform support various self-service BI automation processes that allow business users to do more with less?

<--- Score

50. How do you enable self-service business intelligence without compromising on data accuracy?

<--- Score

51. Who will facilitate the team and process?

<--- Score

52. Is your data ready for self-service business intelligence?

<--- Score

53. Which stakeholder characteristics are analyzed?

<--- Score

54. Is the recovery process a self-service mechanism or must the customer contact your organization to request data recovery?

<--- Score

55. Is the connectivity for self-service users the same as it would be for IT or is it limited to a subset of data sources?

<--- Score

56. Are self-service libraries a threat to the profession or an opportunity to better serve patrons?

<--- Score

Self Service A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition

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