Читать книгу Self Service A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition - Gerardus Blokdyk - Страница 9



INTENT: Gather the correct data. Measure the current performance and evolution of the situation.

In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:

5 Strongly Agree

4 Agree

3 Neutral

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree

1. How can you reduce costs?

<--- Score

2. How long to keep data and how to manage retention costs?

<--- Score

3. Why do business users need or want better self-service for analytics?

<--- Score

4. What percentage of your department has access to self-service analytics tools?

<--- Score

5. Do you have any cost Self-service limitation requirements?

<--- Score

6. Why do the measurements/indicators matter?

<--- Score

7. Is data collection planned and executed?

<--- Score

8. The approach of traditional Self-service works for detail complexity but is focused on a systematic approach rather than an understanding of the nature of systems themselves, what approach will permit your organization to deal with the kind of unpredictable emergent behaviors that dynamic complexity can introduce?

<--- Score

9. Are you able to realize any cost savings?

<--- Score

10. What are the Self-service investment costs?

<--- Score

11. How will data analytics, technology and self-service solutions play into the mix?

<--- Score

12. How do you verify Self-service completeness and accuracy?

<--- Score

13. When is Root Cause Analysis Required?

<--- Score

14. Why are customer self-service systems generally helpful in cutting customer service costs?

<--- Score

15. Can you do Self-service without complex (expensive) analysis?

<--- Score

16. When a disaster occurs, who gets priority?

<--- Score

17. How will you measure success?

<--- Score

18. How to leverage Data Discovery for self-service analytics?

<--- Score

19. Are indirect costs charged to the Self-service program?

<--- Score

20. Is there a burning need to build real time reporting and analytics, and self-service BI?

<--- Score

21. What charts has the team used to display the components of variation in the process?

<--- Score

22. What is the Self-service business impact?

<--- Score

23. Has a cost center been established?

<--- Score

24. Are Self-service vulnerabilities categorized and prioritized?

<--- Score

25. How can you reduce the costs of obtaining inputs?

<--- Score

26. Are process variation components displayed/communicated using suitable charts, graphs, plots?

<--- Score

27. What is the total cost related to deploying Self-service, including any consulting or professional services?

<--- Score

28. What cost management services are available to employers through your client self-service portal?

<--- Score

29. How large is the gap between current performance and the customer-specified (goal) performance?

<--- Score

30. What is the governance model for self-service cloud analytics?

<--- Score

31. What are your organizations main reasons for implementing self-service BI and analytics?

<--- Score

32. Why do you expend time and effort to implement measurement, for whom?

<--- Score

33. Did you tackle the cause or the symptom?

<--- Score

34. Is a solid data collection plan established that includes measurement systems analysis?

<--- Score

35. Is long term and short term variability accounted for?

<--- Score

36. How are you enabling the big move to self-service analytics?

<--- Score

37. What has the team done to assure the stability and accuracy of the measurement process?

<--- Score

38. Which analytical skills are expected by the individuals or different user groups who use self-service?

<--- Score

39. What data was collected (past, present, future/ongoing)?

<--- Score

40. Can the analytic be self-service?

<--- Score

41. What particular quality tools did the team find helpful in establishing measurements?

<--- Score

42. How is self-service analytics taking business intelligence capabilities to the next level?

<--- Score

43. How to obtain a cost-effective operational model for support/ self-service websites?

<--- Score

44. What is the scope of self-service analytics and what are users outside of business analysts, IT, and other quantitative staff able to do with it?

<--- Score

45. How significant of an impact have your self-service capabilities had on customer-centric metrics that your organization uses today?

<--- Score

46. What measurements are being captured?

<--- Score

47. How best to implement Analytic Applications for high user adoption and self-service?

<--- Score

48. What are the key input variables? What are the key process variables? What are the key output variables?

<--- Score

49. Is a follow-up focused external Self-service review required?

<--- Score

50. Is there a Performance Baseline?

<--- Score

51. How do you know that any Self-service analysis is complete and comprehensive?

<--- Score

52. How do you measure efficient delivery of Self-service services?

<--- Score

53. Is Process Variation Displayed/Communicated?

<--- Score

54. Do all call center inquiries have to be via telephonic means or can self-service methods be utilized via the web or other resources to reduce headcount and cost?

<--- Score

55. Are you ready to learn more about how your organization can use self-service analytics to increase the effectiveness of analytics programs?

<--- Score

56. What is your path to a single source of truth and true BI self-service with a current landscape that has multiple analytics solutions and a high TCO?

<--- Score

57. Are there measurements based on task performance?

<--- Score

58. How do you leverage empowered analytics (self-service) to change the way your organization works?

<--- Score

59. How does self-service BI influence the lifecycle of BI, in terms of analysis and design?

<--- Score

60. What is the impact on your self-service strategy?

<--- Score

61. When asked, what impact does self-service have on your customers?

<--- Score

62. How much will the self-service portal cost up front and annually?

<--- Score

63. How will success or failure be measured?

<--- Score

64. Do your organizations IT BI teams and development experts provide guidance to users of self-service BI and analytics technologies?

<--- Score

65. How should the self-service technology features be prioritized?

<--- Score

66. Was a data collection plan established?

<--- Score

67. Is data collected on key measures that were identified?

<--- Score

68. Where can you go to verify the info?

<--- Score

69. What is an unallowable cost?

<--- Score

70. What are the agreed upon definitions of the high impact areas, defect(s), unit(s), and opportunities that will figure into the process capability metrics?

<--- Score

71. Have you deployed self-service/automated tools to optimize your IT operational cost?

<--- Score

72. Does management have the right priorities among projects?

<--- Score

73. Is key measure data collection planned and executed, process variation displayed and communicated and performance baselined?

<--- Score

74. How will costs be allocated?

<--- Score

75. Which self-service technology are you focusing on?

<--- Score

76. How advanced and coherent is the data architecture in support of a self-service analytics initiative?

<--- Score

77. Do you aggressively reward and promote the people who have the biggest impact on creating excellent Self-service services/products?

<--- Score

78. Among the Self-service product and service cost to be estimated, which is considered hardest to estimate?

<--- Score

79. What key measures identified indicate the performance of the stakeholder process?

<--- Score

80. What impact has using self-service for customer service currently had on your organizations ability to address priorities?

<--- Score

81. Is it cost effective to use a self-service system because of the consequent reduction in staff costs?

<--- Score

82. Are key measures identified and agreed upon?

<--- Score

83. Who participated in the data collection for measurements?

<--- Score

84. Have you found any ‘ground fruit’ or ‘low-hanging fruit’ for immediate remedies to the gap in performance?

<--- Score

85. Which Self-service impacts are significant?

<--- Score

86. Are high impact defects defined and identified in the stakeholder process?

<--- Score

87. What does self-service really cost?

<--- Score

88. What are the estimated costs of proposed changes?

<--- Score

89. Should you focus on self-service or sales-supported SaaS?

<--- Score

90. How frequently do you verify your Self-service strategy?

<--- Score

91. How do you leverage Data Discovery for self-service analytics?

<--- Score

92. What are predictive Self-service analytics?

<--- Score

93. Has automation and self-service allowed for cost savings?

<--- Score

94. What does losing customers cost your organization?

<--- Score

95. What disadvantage does this cause for the user?

<--- Score

96. What is self-service analytics and why is it important?

<--- Score

97. What users will be impacted?

<--- Score

Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section

Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section

Transfer your score to the Self-service Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.

Self Service A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition

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