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You start out by asking:

“What type of life do I want?”

And from there, you then ask: what type of job would best facilitate that lifestyle?

If you want to spend more time with family, if you want to work while travelling the world, if you want to have a career that you find fascinating and that you're proud of… then often the first step to achieving the right lifestyle will be starting to work for yourself and online/from home.

Next you have to ask whether you want to be a busy 'high flier' or whether you'd be happier as someone whose career was 'light', flexible and would largely run itself a lot of the time. This is an important point. Many people make the mistake of thinking they want to be 'really successful' in the most stereotypical of senses and as such they create business plans that involve

taking on large numbers of staff with branches all over the world. The reality of being involved in this type of business though is that you now have no time to do things that contribute to a happy and healthy life. Likewise, you now are just as stressed and as tied down – if not moreso – than you would have been if you were working for a big organization in an office.

If you want to be a high profile businessman/woman then that's great. If not, then you need to rethink your business plan. If you want to take it even further in the other direction and live the most relaxed lifestyle possible, then ideally you want some kind of passive income – meaning that you generate money while you sleep. This might mean selling a digital product or it might mean hiring a manager to run the day-to-day elements of your business. Either way, a business that 'runs itself' allows you to live the life you want and to reap the rewards for your hard work later on.

2.2 Digital Nomad? Or Digital Homebody

Perhaps one of the ultimate expressions of lifestyle design is to become a digital nomad. In fact, to many people these two terms are synonymous and interchangeable.

A digital nomad essentially is someone who works online so that they are not dependent on a physical location for their career and income. They


Business and Life Transformation

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