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As mentioned, when done right, working from home has the potential to lead to incredible health benefits.

Let's look at the facts. Most of the population is overweight, overtired and overstressed. If you can still remember working in an office, then no doubt you will recall what it felt like to have a full on day in the office, to travel home for an hour on the train/bus or in the car and then to have to cook dinner when you got back.

What did you most often end up doing? You threw something in the microwave and you collapsed in front of the television. And then when your friends called to invite you out, you ignored that and carried on 'vegging out'.

Many of us talk about 'time management' and we say that the reason we don't stick to a training regime/weight loss program is that we don't have the time. This is in fact all wrong. Most of us have plenty of time (otherwise, how did you manage to fit in the entire series of Lost recently?) but what we lack is the energy. Without energy, we don't have will-power. Without will-power, things don't get done and we start to drown in a list of things we need to be doing and become incredibly stressed. Our bodies suffer, our relationships suffer and we don't live life to the fullest.

Working from home can change all that. Working from home means that you can choose to work out in the morning or in the afternoon – you just have to choose the time that you have the most energy. At the same time, it means you can put food on the stove while you're working and watch it simmer.

Working from home means you can sit outside and feel the sun on your face, instead of being cooped up in an office (which is known to contribute


Business and Life Transformation

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