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to stress and depression). Working from home means that you don't have to commute down busy streets with hundreds of people walking at you during rush hour – this wreaks havoc with your heartrate.

In short, when you work from home you get to choose your priorities and you reduce the stress of working several times over. Now you can put yourself first and that's an incredibly important and valuable thing to be able to do.

The potential health benefits are transformative and life-changing. This book will show you how to start working from home if you don't already and how to take maximum advantage of that situation so that you're able to feel your very best and feel the benefits in every other area of your life.

Oh and of course this will have a powerful knock-on effect and impact on your productivity helping you to get more work done and to a much higher quality.

1.2 Working From Home: The Health Risks

But this book won't just be about capitalizing on the amazing health benefits of working from home. Just as importantly, we'll be looking at the potential health risks that working from home can pose. And make no mistake: there are many.

Think being shouted at by your boss is stressful? How about being shouted at by 10 angry clients? Or 300 angry customers who just downloaded your app?


Business and Life Transformation

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